Friday, July 23, 2010

Stuff That Made Me Laugh This Week...

Some of you may find it surprising to learn that I have a very immature sense of humor. Yea, I know it's pretty shocking, considering all the seriously compelling  posts and articles that I usually grace this blog with. However, today is different. Today I will take a break from the serious and businesslike tone that I normally bestow upon you, my beloved internet companions. Today, I will simply pass along a few things that I found myself giggling about this week. I want you to start the weekend with laughter, dear readers. I want to make you happy. This is about you.

Ok, fine. You got me. I've got nothing to post about today and I like the funny.

This video reminds of every fight that I have ever had with my husband. Can you guess which character I identify with the most?

Pugs.. oh how I love you...

 Swear Jar!

There ya go, my little foray into the silliness. I will now resume perusing the internet for quantum physics formulas and researching cures for athlete's foot and global warming. Either that, or I'll be watching sneezing panda videos and eating cheetos. Same difference.


  1. Bahahahahahaa! They cracked me up too! The top ones the best.

  2. yea.. that top went sent me way over the edge!!!

    happy friday!!!!!

  3. The goat conversation was hysterical!

  4. haha~ I know what you mean. I wish people could get just how off the cuff I can be with my humour. I laughed my f-ing as$ off on the bud commercial. (get it, I owe .50 cents to the jar) =)

  5. Goat conversation...giggle giggle snort! You are hilarious!

  6. The commercial was the best! I wish I would have thought of this while working for a construction company. Thanks for the giggles. Now off to figure out what dark matter is.

  7. Hehe love it, so need to have a good laugh :)

  8. These are some amusing references to the issue. You can even have more of them.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.