Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday - Back to School Edition!

Ok, it's time to play Would you Rather! You know the drill. I give you a question with two (or three) possible answers. You have to pick one. You cannot say neither.. if you say neither, I will personally come to you neighborhood and egg your house. And your dog. And your kids.

So... Welcome to a Back To School Edition of Would You Rather Wednesday!

Who would you rather sit with in the cafeteria...

The Goth kids..
The Stoners..

or the Nerds..

Would you rather dissect a frog in science? or give an oral report in History class in front of the popular kids?

Bonus Gross Out Questions...(because I am very mature...)

Would you rather accidentally fart in class? or walk around with a period stain on your pants without knowing it?

And lastly would you rather sneak in a make out session behind the gym with...
Long Duk Dong(16 Candles)?

Or Screech (Saved by the Bell)

Ok, give us your answers in the comments!!


  1. Stoners!!!! (i was one!, WAS!)

    Dissect a frog.

    Fart in class!

    Long Duk Dong!

  2. TOOO funny. I would sit with the nerds or stoners. Goth kids seem too edgy. I would give the oral report for sure. BC I think I am all kinds of funny.

    And ugh...period stain. I would cover it. LOL.

    And gross and gross. After that nasty video screech did I wouldnt go NEAR him. UGH. Long Duk is the winner.

  3. Stoners only b/c I WAS familiar with that area.

    Glad you're back(:

  4. Nerds, Stoners would be interesting
    Oral report for sure
    Long Duk Dong (what a thought)

  5. Not even hard questions!
    Stoners...dude, whatever
    Dissect frog...I'm not big on "oral". Just sayin
    Flatulate (that means fart - lol)
    Long Duk Dong. Have you SEEN Screech?!? *shudder*

  6. Goth kids

    Dissect a frog


    Long Duk Dong!!!

  7. Stoners
    Fart (and quickly give someone a disgusting look as in "I can't believe YOU did that."
    Long Duk Dong

    I saw Screech in an airport years ago. He was recognizable because he was wearing a Saved by the Bell jacket then acted annoyed when kids approached him.

  8. I love these posts...
    1) Goth. Did the nerds in elementary school, and the stoners in high school. So, I would like to see what Goth is all about (it's apparently very popular right now too).
    2)Oral report. I can't dissect anything without throwing up, so the report would be the least embarrassing

  9. The nerds of course....because I am one...might as well eat with my kind.

    Oral report...I actually love those things...well kinda. Remind me of that on Friday as I go to give my testimony to strangers at the county jail.

    NO, neither. (Ducking the eggs.) Okay if I HAVE to pick...passing gas, because at least it's over quickly.

    Knowing what I know now about Screech...NO WAY...the other guy...I dont even know who that kid is, but there's no way he's as gross as Screech is now.

  10. 1. Nerds...I was one.

    2. Give the oral report. I keep harking back to that frog dissection scene in E.T.

    3. Farting in class. It's easier to cover for that; just blame it on someone else!

    4. Long Duk Dong...for the reasons Michelle said.

  11. stoners cuz they would keep me laughing

    dissect frog

    third was hard, HARD and hilarious. the fart one? i guess

    long duk dong

  12. Nerds -- I'm an average looking girl, but they'd think i was HAWT!

    Oral report

    Fart -- happens to the best of us

    Long Duk Dong

  13. Love this game and even happier to see you!
    1. Goth if Edward Cullen is considered goth. If not, um the nerds I guess.
    2.Dissection (degree in physics)
    3.Damn...farts or stains...Not sayin' neither but hell I wouldn't want either. So I pick, um period stain. Fodder for TAT!
    4.Screech. I guess. Because Long Duck Dong creeped me out THEN. And THEN is when I think this quiz is taking place!

  14. Once again, you have me laughing my ass off. These comments are flippin' hilarious!
    Oral report (cuz I had to do that so many times)
    FART, because I did that TWICE, for reals. So freakin' embarrassing. Which reminds me, I promised I'd blog about that once, cuz I let it "slip" (pun intended) that it happened to me once or twice.
    EW, I must go shower now.

  15. So GLAD I'm not in school!
    Nerds..I was most likely one back then.
    Dissect a frog all the way!! Love the ookey guts stuff...I am a nerd.
    Definitely fart & blame it on someone else..another nerdy thing.
    Even though Screetch was a nerd, he just grosses me out totally so I'd have to go for Long Duck...what a choice even for this nerd!

  16. Ok, so where are the freaks, huh? I would hang out with the freaks. But since they aren't there I'd say the Stoners... as long as they don't do any drugs around me, I think they'd be lots of fun to talk to. :) Heehee

    I would dissect a frog. I never was so great in speech class. Only way I'd do well is if I could read something I wrote verbatim.

    I'd rather fart. At least I'd KNOW it. The stain...not to know about it until later after the humiliation has taken place! AH! Disaster!

    I'd say Screetch because back when that picture was taken, he was just a nerd. That Screetch, I'd say, is better than Long Duk Dong... but if we're talking now? No.

  17. I would sit with the Goth kids. They're just the counterculture I was attracted to... The tortured artist... bad ass... the I-don't-give-a-damn's... Basically, my complete opposite.

    Bring on the oral report... I'd knock it out the ball park! Dissecting animals smells horrible.

    I'd fart a million times over! I would want to DIE if i had a stain and didn't know it... But i DID go to an all girl school, so it wouldn't have been as bad as some schools with boys.

    ARRGG... I'd do screetch (barf) I couldn't get into Long Duk.

  18. I was the most popular girl in school and dated the most popular boy. I really didn't fit into any of those groups tho.

  19. Stoners, dissect a frog, fart and Screech all the way!

  20. I was a stoner.

    I'll take the oral report.

    I don't fart~so I can't answer this question?!

    Long Dong:)

  21. Good one!!!

    Frog dissection! (I really got into that actually. I was suprised.)
    Fart! (I actually did get my period in high school one time and walked around with it on my pants until someone told me. WANTED TO DIE!!!!)
    Long Duk!

  22. GEEKS!!
    and ... no idea I don't know either of them

  23. Stoners, at least they are entertaining.

    Dissect the frog.

    Fart, for sure.

    and if I must I choose I'll go with Long Duk.

  24. Wow. You always have a way of making the choices very unappealing.
    1. I'd rather be with the nerds. I fit in there.
    2. Frog. But not by much. I find that to be the hardest question.
    3. Fart. You can always try to blame someone else.
    4. Screech. You know what they say about big noses...Yeah. I don't either.

    This one was a good one.

  25. If I had to choose, this is how I would roll:
    Long Duk Dong

  26. Aw, I like all three of the options for the first question... Does that say terrible things about me? I guess FORCED to choose I'd go with the stoners.

    Totally the oral report.

    The fart - more temporary and you could deny it...

    Long Duk Dong - only because Screech was such a tool on celebrity fit club. Well, Dustin, I know, and you were asking about a character - but I wouldn't be able to get past it.

  27. 1. I think the stoners, I was way too good the first time around, have to have a little more fun if I got to choose the second time around!

    2. Definitely dissect a frog in science (but I think it might be cheating, since I am a scientist...)

    3. Is the fart silent? Because then there's no doubt that would be first choice, there's no way anyone could "prove" it was me. If it's a loud one, it's more of a difficult choice...

    4. I think I'm going to have to say Screech...he's hung out with the cool girls enough he's probably got a little bit of practice.

  28. DEFINITELY the stoners. They are so funny, and harmless. Goth kids scare the complete crap out of me.

    Oral report all the way. For some reason public speaking doesn't bother me.

    I guess I'd rather fart. But either one would be a nightmare.

    Long Duk Dong seems too sexually domineering. I'd go for Screech so I could teach him some things.

  29. You need to have a new post so I can comment on it while I tell you that I nominated you for a VERY important award. It's the Kreativ Award. (It's creatively spelled incorrectly...just in case you thought I was that dumb.) Check out my blog to see your fantastic nomination, cause I'm not going to type it all here...ugh, sorry, just can't do it.

  30. Stoners~that was a no brainer, as I was one for many years.

    Frog~which is saying a lot since I am all for not killing animals. Plus, when I was dissecting my frog in biology in 10th grade it came to and tried to hop away! That gave me nightmares forever!


    Long Duk Dong! I loved that movie!

  31. The nerds, dissect, fart, and I am so unfamiliar with the last category but I'll take the second guy!

  32. I go with:
    Dissect the frog
    and Screech

    :) I've missed these! I've been gone too long. And p.s. love the new layout! (see? I have been gone too probs did that months ago. I am inattentive. I apologize, lol.)

  33. -Nerds all the way!
    -Oral report. I'm an animal rights wacko. Save the frogs! Set them free!
    -I've never seen 16 Candles, but anyone would be better than Screech, right?


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.