Saturday, August 29, 2009

Question of the Weak.. bad habits...

Question of the Weak
Here goes:
What are your worst habits?

Unfortunately, I have tons. I am a plethora of annoying qualities. I know, it's hard to believe. Me? Annoying? Shocker, I know.

One habit that I find myself doing a lot is worrying. I know, I know... we all do it. But believe me, you don't do it like I do. I obsess. I obsess about obsessing. I worry myself sick, over really trivial crap. Add to that the anxiety over the big things in life, like losing love ones, and it all sums up to one big ball of nerves.

I also tend to put myself last. So, how can that be bad? I put everyone before me. Everyone else's feeling are more important than my own. And then I get upset because no one thought of me! Here's an example: I save and save for Craig and Ros's birthdays and make sure they get great gifts. But do I put aside money for me? EVER? Nope. And do I get mad that no one gets me anything?? YUP! And do you know why they don't get me anything? Because when they ask me what I want, I say "Nothing. I'm good". Yep, I am a complicated creature.

I am a chronic quitter. I start lots of projects and yet, I rarely finish any.

I eat when I'm stressed. Or bored. Or breathing.

I cannot sit through a movie at home. Unless I have something else going on too.. sewing or working, etc. I get antsy. It drives Craig nuts that I can't sit and cuddle and watch.

I snore. I think. I wake myself up and think the dogs are barking... but it's me, snorting like a pig.

I've got tons more. But I want to hear about yours. What are you worst habits? Leave your answers in the comments section or leave a link to your blog and we'll follow ya over there!


  1. I can't sit through a movie at home either!!!

    I don't do my dishes for a very long time! It's awful!

    I start 15 books, and never finish any of them.

    I don't speak up when I know I should!

  2. My worst fault is WORRYING, about everything and everybody and it is very hard to think about ME, while constantly trying to please mom says at this point in my life I need to make myself my #1 priority...don't know how....but this week she is taking me to the salon for my birthday. A new beginning I hope!

  3. I think my favorite (and perhaps most relatable) is "I eat when I'm stressed ... or bored ... or breathing."
    Lol!!! I've really had to work on that the past couple of years, but it's a very hard cycle to break.

  4. I worry. Although meds helps with that somewhat. ;)
    I eat too much.
    I put myself last too, whenever my husband asks what I want for my b-day or anything, I say nothing. But he knows that if he actually sticks to the nothing he's in trouble. I would be sad.
    I pick my scabs.
    In fact, I'm working on a big one right now. Ew.

  5. I worry way too much. It keeps me up at nights. I will impulsively eat when I'm stressed. I also put everyone ahead of me. Sounds like the definition of many moms I know!

  6. I'm self-deprecating. I think it's funny - and I do it to be funny (and to get to the joke before anyone else can) but the hubs hates it and I know I've made people uncomfortable on occasion.

    I have lots and lots, but you and the previous commenters have touched on most of the biggest of them...

  7. I laughed at the snoring thing! I've done that too!

    My biggest thing is I can't say NO.

    AND I procrastinate. Big time.

  8. It is funny because right now as I type this comment I am "watching" a movie with my husband. I think it secretly drives him crazy too.

    I do the same thing when it comes to gifts too. Today for example, Luke finally drove me to a store where I had been eying a purse forever and he made me get it as my birthday present, which is just what I wanted but wouldn't allow myself to do without him basically making me...finally.

  9. I could have written most of this. O my! I can however finish a movie at home.

  10. I bite my nails and refuse to stop, so it is even worse. I put myself down constantly. I crack my neck and my knuckles,etc! LOL!

  11. I ALSO put everyone else before me. And then I realize I have no suitable clothes when we are packing for vacation - seriously. However, everyone else looks stunning in their great clothes. What gives?

  12. i can't tell people no.. so i end up with too much on my calendar..

    and i put myself last in everything..

    grumpy hates both of these.. but i have been doing them for too many years. hard to change.

  13. OMGosh, I totally put myself last, and, YES, that is not a good thing. I also eat, which is necessary for life, but not the way I do it.

  14. I think my worst habbit is that I yell a lot. I try not to, but I still do it every single day. And of course I do the eating constantly thing too. I could be sad or happy or mad and you could find me at the fridge : ) : ( Popping over from September Mom's blog today. Nice to meet you!

  15. Aside from the fact that I don't snore, I have to say that I could have written the post you did. I worry constantly and add in the fact that I have depression and 'boom', pessimistic doomsday lol.
    The biggest bad habit I have though is needing to know what happens at the end of a film before I watch it, or Tv, or a book...can you see a pattern here? I'm dreadful - I constantly read spoilers; I'm such a spoil sport.

  16. ugh, where to start....
    1. I eat too much. I love food-mostly food that is traditionally not good for you but is OH so good.
    2. I complain too much sometimes. I don't know if others think this, but I feel like it.
    3. I talk WAY too fast and get irritated if someone doesn't listen fast enough. Even worse is when someone misses key info in our discussion and then doesn't stop to clarify and then asks me about it later and I have to be angry and yell at them "I already told you this!! I knew you weren't listening!!"
    4. I sometimes bite my nails, rarely, but once I start, it's hard to stop.
    5. I think negative thoughts about people who spoil their children, without knowing any other information beyond one piece. For example: if I hear you talk about getting your 9 yr old a new tv for his room and it's a 32inch plasma--I immediately think bad thoughts. 32??? The child couldn't get by with a 26?? Whatever.
    6. I guess I'm judgemental (see #5).

  17. I'm very tardy about getting around to new blogs to comment...:)

  18. Ugh...I redecorate my house in my head when its time to be sleeping...and then the next day Im too tired to do any of the things I imagined.

    I eat for any reason whatsoever.

    I snore and wake myself up sometimes too

  19. I think this is more ocd than a bad habit but I have to check everything twice. Did I turn off the iron, check. Then go back to check again.

  20. Check
    Don't eat from stress, though. Thank goodness. I'm all about fat and happy.
    No snoring.
    But I can nag you under the table.
    And I pick my lips. Cannot stop.

  21. Ugh, there's too many things! I'm in front of the fridge too much, I love to eat when I'm bored, I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I worry. I think eating is my worst habit. HAHA

  22. My worst habits?? REally...?? goes..
    I'm a huge procrastinator
    I'm a clutter bug...drives my hubby insane
    I make piles and piles of stuff to sort and put them in bags only to NOT put them away.

  23. I concentrate too much on my flaws. :) I really do!

    Eat too many sweets, so then I have to exercise all the time just to keep up...

  24. I am a remote hog, I read the end of the book before I finish reading (although I always read the whole book), I doubt my husband can do what I ask so I double, triple, quadriple ask did u so and so??.

    I don't pick up my phone, I can't fall asleep till everyone in the house is asleep...I think I'm a bit controlling:)

  25. When I'm nervous I CAN'T shut up. I stay the supidest things and gesture a lot. :)

  26. it cracks me up that you wake yourself up snoring. LOVE IT.
    My bad habit is swearing.
    And knowing my tummy rejects milk but I eat cereal anyhoo.

  27. My bad habits...I actually get inside my head a lot so when I try to articulate something, I step outside my body and pretend as if I'm judging myself and then it trips me up. Also, I obsess over something for a period of time and then I drop it like a hot potato. I'm notorious for that. Oy!

    Cute post!

  28. You sound just like me! No seriously. I constantly worry! "My husband says your so negative." I will not watch movie at home because I can't sit there, makes my hubby mad too. Death of a loved one and myself... not getting to see my son grow up.... I don't know if I have ever told anyone before though. Anxiety attacks!! Oh and the other thing, birthdays... just like you said it... thats me!! Don't feel alone or next time you do stop by my blog and check out what a mess I am. Loved your posts.


  29. I worry way too much... about really silly stuff. Then the big stuff that I wasn't expecting mows me over. Happens every time!

    I bite my finger nails...
    Still working on that one. Okay ten;)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.