Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm Here.. I'm Alive.. But, just barely.

I won't even give the usual excuses...I haven't been posting. I have neglected this blog for too long and it's time to get back to it. I don't think I even realized how much I needed this outlet.

So, let's get you up to speed on this exciting life of mine, shall we? It's been a busy summer. We spend lots of time with our friends, chillin' at the pool and gossiping (not about you, I swear.) It's great to have a group of friends that I can totally be myself with and not have to worry about judgement and cattiness. I adore my friends, life would be miserable without them.

We had a few dramatic weeks with Craig last month. It all began on Saturday morning, during a yard sale we were having with some friends. Craig had gotten up at 5am or so, and went to help set up. I went over around 7. Everything seemed fine. Then at 8am , he walks up to me and whispers in my ear, "Um, I've been peeing blood all night."

My reaction was, of course, anger. (what? that's not normal?) You see, this is an ongoing thing with Craig. He likes to pretend things are fine when they aren't. And it literally takes hours to get anything out of him when something is bothering him. We've have major fights over this. Why the hell hadn't he told me last night? Why did he come over and set up the yard sale? And then waited another hour to tell me after that? Ok, yeah, I was concerned.... but I was more mad. His excuse was, "I didn't want to worry you." And my response to that lovely sentiment was, "God dammit! Why can't you ever just do things the easy way?" Again, I was a shining example of the caring wife.

So, we left the yard sale (leaving our friends with our crap and a huge crowd of people). The Er was amazingly empty and we were in and out with a diagnosis of kidney stones within a few hours. That was just the beginning.

I had no idea just how painful kidney stones are! I mean, they took down my 240 pound husband and had him in the fetal position for days. They gave him Percocet and it didn't even touch the pain. (And yes, just so you know, my wife and motherly instincts did kick in and I took care of him. Not even one kick in the kidneys, thank you very much.) It turns out he had a 8x7mm stone! (that's pretty impressive in the kidney stone scene.) He had surgery last Tuesday and all is well now. (fingers crossed.) He had to strain his pee and keep the stones for analysis. And let me just say that nothing adds to the bathroom decor like a pee strainer and specimen jars filled with sediment.

Hmmm... what else? Not much actually. We helped some friends move, had a few date nights, my birthday, Ros made orange belt in Karate. That's it really. I have read tons of books and really need to get my butt in gear with the reviews.

There is one more month of summer of here, so I am sure my postings will be erratic for August but I plan on doing a blog challenge for September. (anyone do NABLOPOMO?)

So, I guess that's it for now.I will try and post more if I can ever get my kid off of I'll start back with Would You Rather Wednesdays next week. Hope you are all having a great summer!


  1. Poor dh, glad he is all better now. My dad had kidney stones and he thought he was going to die.

    Happy belated birthday and welcome back!

    I may do NaBloPoMo - I have done it a couple of times and by the end of the month I am usually banging my head against the wall asking myself why oh why did I sign-up for it, but hey that just makes it memorable.

  2. I've missed you! Glad you are back...sorta.

  3. Oh Kidney stones are awful! I've never had them, but I've seen people go through them and it doesn't seem pretty!

    Happy Birthday! 32 is awesome!!!! :)

    I can't wait until Would you Rather Wednesday!!!! YIPPY!!!!

  4. Kidney stones are horrible! My dad had them when I was in high school and I remember him crawling around on the front lawn moaning and screaming in pain. Awful. I'm glad he's all fixed up!

  5. Thank goodness you are back and you are okay! I was having scary thoughts that you were sick or something.
    Thank goodness it was only your husband! (just kidding!) Bloody pee?? I'd freak for sure.
    I guess those things are the equivelant of having labor for men, I hear.
    I don't know if it's true or not, but it figures something like a small stone would knock em down as much as a HUGE WATERMELON for us, huh? :)

  6. That is so scary about Craig! I'm glad it wasn't something more serious. And my husband is the same way!!

  7. i've heard the pain of passing a kidney stone is comprable to the pain of giving birth. glad he's on the mend.

  8. Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a blast:) Glad Craig is o.k. now. Congrats to Roslyn for getting her orange belt. She is one "in charge" little girl now!

  9. Well jeez! I start following you and you stop posting... rude! I'm glad you're back and your hubby is doing better. It seems like everyone has been MIA from blogland this summer! Can't wait for your book reviews!

  10. good to see you blog, but i have been keeping up with you on fb. my daughter is on he 3rd month of the blogging every day of the month thing. she has a goal to do it 5 times this year. they haven't been consecutive, but she is doing it! i did it in jan. i think..
    can't wait to see more blogs coming up!

  11. i've missed you! happy birthday! and um, don't go to my blog i'm pathetic. i've got no excuse. i'll be back here wed cuz i love your stuff!

  12. i've missed your "would you rather" so i am glad you are gonna be back.

  13. I was wondering where you were and just today I checked into your blog to see if maybe your posts weren't updating on Google Reader. I'm glad your back. Hope your hubby is feeling better. I've heard that kidney stones are extremely painful. Poor guy. I can't imagine Perocet not even touching the pain. Ouch! I just checked out NABLOPOMO. YIKES! Way to much pressure for me. I'm all about Guilt Free Blogging these days, but I'm looking forward to reading all your great posts! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  14. I have heard that kidney stones can major painful! I'm so sorry! That really sucks!

    Missed you around!

  15. Kidney stones are some shitty business. Yikes. My husband will never tell me when something's wrong, but once he admits it is the BIGGEST. BABY. Remind me to tell you about the time that he had the flu and feebly begged for water only to reject it because it wasn't cold enough. No, really.

  16. MEN! What are they thinking? My DH is the same way. Hope all is well and you have some uneventful weeks ahead!

  17. Your poor hubby!! Did he gets his sonically blasted too? My Mom had that done for her big kidney stone and has been in pain since. And I agree the pee things in the bathroom, not pretty. And now she has bronchitis so is coughing while ridding herself of kidney stone sediment...OUCH!!

  18. oooooh - I hear kidney stones are AWful! Glad he's on the mend.

    I'm doing (or planning to do) NaNoWriMo this year, so I'll probably actually be posting LESS rather than more...

  19. Glad you are back - sure have been missing you!

  20. OUCHIE! He had to pee them out?????

    Can't wait for the book reviews.

  21. Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you! So sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he is doing better now.

    I've been posting a lot of book reviews over at my place right recently. I've got one more to write before the week is up. Looking forward to seeing what you've read!

  22. sorry to hear about craig. my husband has gone through the exact same thing. so i know it was no fun for either of you.

    i think a lot of bloggers have been sporadic with their posts and comments. hopefully fall will get us all back into the swing of things.

    enjoy the rest of your summer.

  23. Awww.. glad you're back! Sorry to hear about Craig. Hope he gets well soon. And happy birthday too!

  24. kidney stones...yuck!!
    nablopomo...never tried, but why bother?
    book reviews...can't wait.

    Welcome back. I missed your posts. Happy Birthday, and have a great summer!

  25. I missed you! I'm sorry about the troubles! I have an award for you at my blog.

  26. /
    Welcome back.
    Sorry to hear about your hubby, glad they figured out what it was.
    isn't hanging by the pool just gossiping the best!!

  27. Glad Craig is okay. I've heard stones are very painful. Sounds like you're having a good summer. If you have a chance....TAG, you're it.

    Or not, I understand. Stay cool.

  28. Oh my! well it seems you've been going through a lot. Welcome back.

  29. glad you are back! I'm back too! yay!

  30. Oy, I'm deathly afraid of getting kidney stones!!
    I have done NABLOPOMO and it was actually really good to force myself to blog every day. I'm going to do it this year again!! I'm up for the challenge. :)


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