Monday, December 7, 2009

A Letter to a Mechanical Hamster

Dear Zhu Zhu Pets,
Let me draw your attention to this little bit of news.

Zhu Zhu Pets Danger

What the hell were you thinking? How can you do this to me? Do you have any idea that carnage that will ensue in my house if there are no mechanical little rodents under our Christmas tree this year? Do you understand the fact that no other gift under that tree will satisfy my seven year old daughter this year?

Last week, I was breathing a sigh of relief. I had blanketed Ebay with bids on these little robot weasels. I was ecstatic when I finally won several bids, spending well over 120 bucks on this lab rat and his accessories...

Oh but wait, maybe lab rat isn't a good name for him, considering you didn't even properly test the damn things!! What the hell? Did you spend all your safety testing funds on advertising these little menaces during every single commercial break on every network? (really, I think CNN could have been spared the nuisance, don't you?) You made damn sure that you worked our kids into manic frenzy, ensuring them that all the "cool" kids would be finding your stupid hamsters under their tree Christmas morning. But you didn't make sure they were safe?

So tell me, you toy making geniuses, how am I supossed to explain this to my kid? Sorry hun, Santa didn't love you enough to give you that little rat you wanted so badly. Maybe if you could be just a tad bit better next year, you could be unwrapping a motorized cuddly cockroach, which is sure to be the next fad. Yeah, I know the kid down the street got this prized toy that you've been dying to have, but his parents must not have watched the news. You know those elves that lovingly make all the toys at Christmas? Yeah, those stupid bastards forgot to make sure that they weren't using toxic metals while creating them. Poor thing, wipe those tears off your cheeks and try and get over your heartache. Merry Christmas.

So, what do I do now with these expensive ass robotic pieces of crap? huh? Maybe next time you try and start a major toy craze you could make sure the toys are safe first? How about an asbestos stuffed bear next year? Hows about some glass baseball bats? Maybe some LSD crayons? Sounds like a marketing superstorm to me!

So, in closing I have one last thing to say.... ZHU ZHU SUCK!


  1. Oh no, what a bummer. It sure is cute though. Isn't it crazy how all these toys are bad for our kids now. What happened to the good old days when toys use to be safe? I'm starting to think China has it out for the USA. LOL! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

  2. what are you going to do?! I guess you are not giving them to her? or maybe latex gloves and a swine flu mask before she plays with them? or she has to keep them in the plastic tunnels at all times? decisions.

  3. My daughter keeps saying when she sees the commercial, "I want those. I NEED those." Mama doesn't want them. I'm glad that I have your post to back up my decision not to jump on the Zhu Zhu bandwagon. They kind of freak me out anyway.

  4. YOU are kidding Me??? Guess I dont watch enough news to know about this. Maybe you should pretend like you didnt see it either. Then record it...and accidentally play it for the kids on cmas morning. then you still get the kudos for getting the toy but you arent the bad guy keeping it from them.

  5. My daughter wants one of those things too. I'm glad I didn't buy one.

  6. I didn't know about this!

    I'm not sure how my boys managed to NOT want one of these crazy little things, but I'm soooo glad they managed to avoid it.

  7. I didn't know that!!!
    LSD crayons ~ that's funny. LMAO.
    And you're stuck with $100 bucks worth of these things?? That totally sucks.

  8. What are you gonna do?! I knew there was a reason I passed those things up. An electronic rat is the CLOSEST I will ever get to letting one of those things in my house. Ugh.

  9. I heard about this but never knew anybody who was planning on getting them. Now I do.

    Sure hope you can find a reasonable replacement.

  10. My boss (who is a millionaire) happened to pick one of these up at Target once. She didn't know what it was or anything. None of the kids have asked for it, but she's giving it to the 3 year old for Christmas, who could care less about it.

  11. Stupid rodents! Just be thankful she didn't ask for a real hamster because even though they aren't toxic they smell and you have to actually take care of them.

  12. its rather frustrating isn't it?!?!

    i DONT EVEN have kids... and these things are ALLLLL i've heard about for quite a while.. seriously?!?!?

  13. That's awful! I'm sorry you are dealing with that. I thought they were really cute toys and kinda wished they existed when my kids were young so we didn't have to get a real hamster.

  14. Im so glad I passed up on those things!

  15. Oh man I'm so glad I didn't bother with that. After fighting over a damn Cupcake Maker last year that got used once since I said I would never get the "I have to have that b/c everyone else will get one" toy again.

  16. That is HORRIBLE! Seriously!

    I guess it's a good thing I have no idea what these even are!

  17. My girls are too old for Zhu Zhu pets, thankfully, but I was aware that they were the "hot" and difficult to get toy this year. When I saw the news about them being toxic, I wondered what all those parents were going to do. What a drag! Maybe you should explain to your daughter now that they are not safe so that she won't be disappointed on Christmas day. As for the money you already spent - Ugh! I agree Zhu Zhu Pets Suck!

  18. What? I must have totally missed this news bit. Are they recalled?!??

  19. Asbestos stuffed bear! HAHAHAHA!!!!! That is funny!

  20. This reminds me of the Ferby Frenzy! LOL

  21. What what what?! I'm one of "those" parents. Although it's not me that purchased the darn thing. My mother knew about these things before I saw the commercials and got one for my daughter. Hmmm off to look up the news.

  22. Feeling cheery? hope you are, because I've tagged you for a game to spread holiday cheer. Here is the link if you wanna play:

  23. They said on the news after it came out about the testing though that that company that tested them did not use federal standards. They did pass federal testing. The company tested the inside of the toy and there is some kind of metal in them, but the company that makes them tested them the way the government tests them, which is the outside of the toy and that metal is not on the outside of the toy. It doesn't rub off and they are supposedly perfectly safe. That is what they are saying. Don't know if you already know all this.

    Luckily my kids did not want these at all. I had a hard enough time finding a certain cabbage patch doll she wanted.

  24. I am SO glad my kids aren't asking for one.

    Whew...dodged that bullet!

  25. I think I heard on the news that the feds decided the little critters weren't such a danger after all. Let us know how it works out, with them scurrying around your house! Listen, I also wanted to thank you soooooooo much for stop­ping by on my Spe­cial SITS Day. It’s taken me a while to get back, but I hope to see you around the blo­gos­phere again soon!

  26. I am SO lucky that my kids are still too young to have a clue what they want! (well, except the boy wants transformers, but that's probably not going to be a problem.) :)
    I didn't know cabbage patch kids were still around!!

  27. Ugh. I'm so sorry. I heard about the Zhu Zhu warnings as well. As someone who spent the last week as an eBay slave, I'm an SO sorry.

  28. Something tells me that Father Chrismtas will not be her favourite person this year lol.
    Poor you having to put up with the ensuing upset x

  29. Oh no! That sure makes me glad my kids are older. I would be furious. Very, very furious.

  30. I've never heard of these things, but stuff like this makes me mad! They're just in it to make money with no care or concern for the child's safety. It's disgusting.

  31. i heard that they were safe in the paper a few weeks ago....i have one for myself :)

  32. Oh my goodness! I hope it all worked out. better that she's safe w/o one than in danger in ownership of one.

  33. Beware of the Zhu Zhu! Hope it all works out.

    I so didn't want to get one for my daughter. So guess my surprise when one of our aunts decided to give one to my daughter? Well, my face went pale because I really don't want one of those guys running around my house. My daughter was initially thrilled, but once it started moving she really freaked out. "Please Mommy take it away!" Mommy was glad to do it :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.