Friday, January 16, 2009

#15 The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff

I don't know what to say about this book. I wanted to love it. I really did. I liked it, but I wouldn't say love. The premise of the story was great...a woman returns home to her idyllic small hometown to recover after a broken heart. Her small town is filled with mysteries and scandal (and yes, even a lake monster!). The town characters are charming and interesting. However, when the author takes us into family's sordid history, things get way too confusing. I should have taken notes. Maybe I would have cared a little more if I could keep the family lineage straight. But what ended up happening was that I got bored. Really bored. I found myself wanting to skip right over the long chapters detailing the ancestreal history of the townspeople. Everything made sense in the end, but the trip to get there was way too long and winding. The story did have the magical aspect of the lake monster and there were also some ghosts.. but even those didn't save the story for me. I think the premise of the book was great, but there is such a thing as overkill when it comes to family dramas. Everything was just so tangled that by the end, I just didn't really care.


  1. thats sad u didnt enjoy the book. i looove to read, and i feel i HAVE to read any book that i pick up.... just in case it gets good! so im with you, its always depressing when the book kinda sucks

  2. dontcha hate it when that happens? I used to try and finish every book I started, but Oprah (she does have some cool things to say) suggested that we shouldn't feel obligated to finish a book we just can't get into. There were too many other books out there, waiting to be opened and loved. (paraphrased but you get the jist) I adopted that attitude and now I don't torture myself....

  3. I have not heard of that. Good review though....are you on

  4. I have struggled to like books before. If it isn't meant to be, it just isn't. Thanks for the review.

  5. Since I don't always have a lot of time to sit down and read I really appreciate that you give honest opinions of the books you read, it helps me decide what to put in my "to be read" pile.

  6. Don't you hate when you have high expectations for a book and then it lets you down? My attention span is too short for slow books.

  7. i had that book IN MY HAND at borders, but decided against it. i got Bel Canto by ann patchett, instead. i am liking it, but am only getting through 5 pages or so each night. it's the bird flu making me so tired.

  8. i love your book reviews. keep 'em coming! i hate it when a book can't keep my interest too. i especially hate when a book takes several pages up describing the rooms, clothing, or even the food! i usually just skim through those parts too.

  9. I know now not to read this book! Don't you hate it when the book is nothing like what you expect it to be.

  10. That's too bad. It sounds like a book I would really enjoy, were it not for it being too confusing.

  11. I appreciate your honesty!!! I have picked up several books lately that I just couldn't get into. I usually just set them aside with plans to finish them when I don't have anything good to read...which never happens!

  12. Great review!

    I have an award for you over at Misadventures in Baby Raising!

  13. I hate it when that happens. Especially because I love to read and when I choose to neglect my children to do so and then I am disappointed--BLAH!!

  14. My jaw dropped when I saw the cover of the book upon arriving at your blog just now because I'm just finishing that book up and I couldn't agree with you more. I was so excited to get started on it but I haven't moved that slowly through a book in a long, long time. It's tiresome to try keep everyone straight and I really wasn't even able to. My review will likely be quite similar in feeling to yours. And I HATE when I'm disappointed by a book.

  15. Oh good, a book I won't put on my to-read list! Lol!

  16. Eh...I'm still absorbed in the Twilight series....

  17. Drop by my blog and pick up your award!

  18. I've never been to your blog beofre. I love i! Just wanted to say hello. Gotta support my fellow Jersey girls... plus I didn't want that bad ass baby to punch me.

  19. i love the cover of the book! i know what you mean about the skipping over...i hate it when a book starts to drag like that.

  20. You got a cool blog. No wonder you have the whole world commenting on it. :)

  21. This book seems to have a lot of elements that I enjoy. I may see if I can borrow one.

    Thanks for the review.

  22. Found you through Allison's blog..Misadventurous in baby raising.
    Cool blog..
    thanks for the book review..i'm a huge book geek


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.