Monday, January 26, 2009

New Book Blog....

Cammie at Life in the House of No Sleep and I have started a new book blog! We will be posting book reviews and recommendations, new release alerts, and book discussions! I would love to get a monthly group read going eventually too. I am still going to post my book reviews here as well.

Do you love books? Do you want to be a contributer?? Email me if you want to be a contributer!

The new blog is called Girls with Books. Check us out... and remember we are in our very first stages and construction is ongoing!! Come to the site and become a follower to be notified when we really get going!!


  1. count me in! although this stinking bloggin has put i serious dent in my reading, i'm all for it.

  2. i tried to go to girls with books and it says you have to be invited to go to that blog

  3. I'm very interested in a monthly group read! Can't wait to check out your new site.

  4. Oh I LOVE to read! I will definatly be checking it out! :)

  5. Awesome! I'm glad you decided to do it! I'm going to check it out now!

  6. Cool! I'd love to join the reading!!

  7. I'm addicted to nonfiction, but my sister is an author (nonfiction and fiction). I will send her your way.

  8. Great thing you are doing. Off to look at the new blog.

  9. Hi! Stopping by your blog on the recommendation of my sister KGW (joan of all trades). I love your blog...very cute! I would love to contribute to your book review blog! I will also e-mail you!

  10. Yeah!! Come one come all! I will have to shout out too on my blog!! Please bear with us while we figure out everything we want to do with this blog!

  11. I would love to be a contributor! I actually just finished one this morning that I had read several years ago, but it was such a great read I enjoyed it just as much this time around.
    I wish that I could find a book club around here somewhere. That would be the best.

  12. What a great idea! I can't wait to read more! I love the new releases feature you have--hubby loves John Grisham and we have just about all his books.

  13. Great idea. Can't wait to read about what you have read.


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