Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Would You Rather Wednsday....

Here goes.. I post some questions... you have to answer, you can't say neither. If you want, post you link with Mr. Linky and put some on your blog! They can be thought-provoking, silly, gross, or just plain weird.

Now, would you rather?

Give up caffeine or sugar? (all of it)

be really rich or really smart?

and bonus, gross-out question...

would you rather?

give Robin Williams a full body wax (have you seen him, he's like an ape!)


have a full on make out session with Carrot Top??? (yup... you can even run your fingers through that hair... yum-my!)


  1. I'd rather....

    * give up caffeine

    * Be really rich, cuz I'm already off the charts smart!! (my mom tells me this ALL the was a difficult decision (NOT)

    * I'd much rather give Robin Williams the waxing...I'd rather he suffer pain than myself suffer by having to touch ANYTHING on Carrot Tops body!

  2. I'd rather give up caffeine.
    I don't intake much of it now so I can easily give that up.
    Sugar - that would be way too much to give up.

    And def. wax Robin Williams.
    Why? Because I could wear gloves & something about inflicting pain on a man.........

  3. I'd give up caffeine easily but don't take my sugar. I think I'd love to be really smart (cause then I'd probably figure out how to be really rich) and I'd body wax Robin Williams any day over the makeout session.

  4. That's a really hard ? because all my caffeine has sugar in But I guess it would be caffeine.

    I think I would rather be really rich, cause then I could just hire someone really smart to teach me everything they know!

    And I would so rather wax Robin Williams because Carrot Top is NASTY!

  5. I'd rather give up sugar, be really really smart and wax Robin Williams.

    The other options scare the heck out of me.

  6. oh this is a no-brainer for me today. i have tried to give up both and i lasted one day only sans caffeine. i was able to cut out sugar for months. i was a total bitch for weeks, but it did get better and i actually felt pretty good.

    i would choose rich, only because i would be able to provide for my kids well into their adulthood in case they continue to be the total slackers that they love to be.

    and for the bonus, waxing all the way. that stuff doesn't bother me (cuz i am just as hairy!), but carrot top repulses me. REPULSES me!

  7. And how could I forget?
    I want to be rich!!!

  8. That last question is just painful. Painful to think about. I'm going to have to say, I would rather

    give up sugar

    be smart

    ewww and for the last one. Robin Williams. Yuck. Double Yuck!

  9. ACK!

    I'd rather...

    give up sugar

    be really rich (I'll work on getting smart with all my money)

    Robin Williams! I could get through it :)

  10. I'll give up sugar before caffeine...

    I'd rather be smart... you can make money.... you can't make smart.

    I'd rather do Robin Williams... think of all the funny-ass things he'd say while you're ripping his hair out!

  11. i think give up sugar... caffeine is too wonderful, lol

    really rich.. and i know it sounds shallow... but.. i dont care

    robin williams the waxing.. i could wear gloves and plus i cannot stand carot top at all!

  12. Give up caffeine
    be really smart so I can figure out how to get rich

    give Robin Williams a full body wax

    You are soooo funny with these!

  13. I would rather:
    give up caffine
    be rich
    wax Robin Williams

  14. I don't drink caffeine. But I don't think I could give up sugar. I would die.

    I'd rather be smart, because my smarts would make me rich!

    And I couldn't get near Robin Williams with a 10 foot pole because body hair like that completely and totally frightens me. So bring on Carrot Top!

  15. Oh Kel...where do you come up with this stuff?

    I would definately give up caffeine...I only drink one Diet Coke a day and no coffee, so that's not a problem.

    I would always rather be smart...and, like Kimber, I am off the charts! I also tell my children how smart they are all the time....smarter than anyone else! (This may be a problem!)

    I so hate hair, but I would never make out with Carrot Top...UGH! Guess I'll be waxing up Mork!

  16. Definitely give up caffeine, which I've already been doing.

    Be really smart.

    Give Robin WIlliams a body wax. Carrot Top is disgusting.

  17. I already gave up caffeine one year— that was the year Jolt Cola came out… had to toast with that one!

  18. Have you seen Carrot Top lately? I saw him on Don't Forget the Lyrics last week. OMG....what a change in him. He's got muscles now and looks like he has a plastic face. ISHY!!!!!!!!!!

  19. that first one is SO wrong. And if i say sugar than i am also giving up coffee cuz i like my Dunkin D light and sweet! so i pass on this one! LOL

    be really rich. that's easy!

    was Robin. totally. Carrot top? are you serious....I totally just got the shivers...ewwww

  20. i meant WAX Robin. i can't type.

  21. I would give up caffeine. As for Carrot what point did he think that another surgery was going to make him look even better than the first 1000 that he has had? At least before he went under the knife he looked NORMAL!

  22. Give up sugar (I have before, including all carbs - its not that bad)

    Really rich - I'm already really smart and still afford shit

    and this one is easy for me - wax Robin WIlliams - cause you know he would make you laugh the ENTIRE time.

  23. I would give up caffeine, I would rather be rich, and I would Robin Williams the wax.

  24. Where do you get these questions? You are a riot!!!! Ok I can't give up caffeine so I think I would rather be really really rich, and wax Robin Williams the thought of making out with Carrot Top just grosses me out!!!

  25. I'm embarassed to report all of these answers but...
    --Robin Williams

  26. Give up caffeine or sugar? Sugar

    be really rich or really smart? Both? lol, fine that's cheating. I suppose I'd rather be smart.

    I'd rather wax Robin Williams. I bet he'd make me laugh the whole time, anyway...that is if he's not in tears. ;)

  27. I've already given up caffeine, so that's a no-brainer for me - please don't take away my sugar.

    Be really rich

    Wax Robin - Carrot Top is eewwww!!

  28. give up caffeine for sure

    be smart

    carrot top....for sure!
    i'm not sure i'd be good at giving anyone a wax job!

  29. I would rather give up caffeine, I try not to eat sweets too often but I don't think I could live without them totally.

    I would rather be really smart because then I could invent something and make a ton of money and be both rich and smart. -OR- maybe I would rather be rich and I could pay people to tell me I'm smart. Hmmmm.

    I would rather wax Patch Adams/Peter Pan/Mrs. Doubtfire than go anywhere near Carrot top...that guy freaks me out!

  30. I would have to give up caffeine because coffee without sugar is AWFUL anyway.

    Also I would rather be rich because I am smart enough already.

    AND I would totally wax Robin Williams. I think I might actually enjoy that...

  31. hehehe...This is all so thought-provoking.

    *Give up caffeine

    * Be smart, cause then I could get rich

    *Wax Robins Williams, for I could still respect myself after that.

  32. caffiene
    carrot top

  33. I wouldn't kiss Carrot Top if you paid me. I'd rather give up sugar, which I think I'll do right now. Maybe.

  34. Give up caffeine

    be really smart

    Wax robin williams.
    The thought of making out with carrot top makes me want to vomit. *shudder*

  35. Carrot Top actually has a nice body so I would do Carrot...also I'd rather be rich..who needs smart when you got tons of and I would give up caffine I think.

  36. -sugar
    -Robin Williamson (HANDS DOWN!) Ugh Carrot Top...I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

  37. Easy! I'd give up sugar. I rarely eat it anyway. Bring on the saltlick and caffeine!
    And with my abundantly caffeinated body, I will hyperactively take all my riches, agree to wax Robin Williams and then PAY somebody to do it as I head off on a wild vacation! (See? I'm already too smart for my own good which is why I chose the money!) :)

  38. You always make me laugh - I mean Carrot Top, ew. Well, maybe if I could close my eyes and really pretend I'd have to say I'd rather wax, it's a lot of work but does not involve swapping spit with freak-boy.
    I'd rather give up caffeine, I couldn't do sugar.
    I'd rather be super smart and figure out a way to earn the $.

  39. Hilarious gross out question :)

    I'd give up caffeine...since I realized I was capable of such a feat while I was prego.

    I'd rather be really smart. Just cause you could have awesome conversations.

    And lastly, I'd give Robin a wax. Carrot Top's face is so..... perturbing. Wayyy too much botox.

  40. I will definitely get in on the fun next week... just too much going on right now. But I love the idea! Sorry I haven't been around lately.

    Brayden was in the hospital for 4 days and we just got home earlier today.

  41. I'd rather..
    give up caffenine..(i don't much use it anyhow)

    *be really rich

    and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    but i'd rather give Robin Williams a waxing..

  42. I'd rather

    give up caffeine

    be really smart

    I'd totally wax away.Carrot Top is wrong.

  43. Ewwww (to the last one ick!)

    I'd rather give up caffeine. I would rather be smart. And hands down no question I'd rather give R-dub a body wax than make out with Carrot Top. Oye. He makes me nauseous!

  44. I'd rather:

    Give up caffeine. If I eat enough sugar, that should suffice.

    Be smart. If I'm smart enough, I can figure out how to be rich. Hey? Why aren't I rich yet?

    Last one, oh. my. I'm going with Robin Williams. I like to inflict pain, not receive it.

    (after reading through all the comments, is it sick to feel a little bad for Carrot Top? Massive rejection from the blogging community.)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.