Thursday, January 29, 2009

Funny Fridays...

I know a certain blogger who will enjoy this....

I want a Segway.. ok, maybe not anymore!

And the most awesome piece of furniture EVAH!

All of these clips were found on the webpage of my favorite radio show The Preston and Steve SHow out of Philly. You can download their podcasts, listen on Aol radio and online! They are not your average "morning zoo" guys.. they are hilarious! check 'em out!

Add your link to Mr.Linky and put some funny stuff on your blog!

Also, check out Happy Friday over at Noob Mommy!


  1. Of course I love the Snuggie commercial! Thanks for thinking of me!

  2. i'm kinda dizzy from my thrust forward in

    are you sure it's Friday? cuz if it is, I need to go see a dr about a time warp I just slipped on!!

  3. Hey! Was that snuggie joke aimed at me? I want one soooo bad!! Hubby has the heat set at 62 and I'm freaking freezing to death!

  4. OK...I just asked you where in Jersey you lived and now I'm knowing you are near me because Preston and Steve used to be MY favorite radio show too -- before they kept moving around and I lost track of them. Are they on WMMR or WYSP now? I listened when they were on Z100 I think (something like that -- alt rock station). I sense that you are very near...

  5. I knew right away you were thinking of Kristina! Great post.

  6. Is it wrong to want a Snuggie if you live in the desert? Kristina P always looks so cute in hers...

  7. well done. these were hilarious.

  8. THis is HILARIOUS! I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time!

  9. Ditto for Chewie! I put a funny V day postcard on my blog! It's actually for another meme but I found you whan I googled the idea:)

  10. Those were great. I just told Jo at Under the Influence that she should come over here and link up because she has the sunggie video posted and then I came here and saw that you do too. Small world.

    That crash looked pretty bad, it wouldn't have been so funny if they hadn't been showing off.

  11. Ouch!

    That cabinet sounds JUST like him!

  12. I bet that chick on the segway felt THAT in the morning. OUCH!!

  13. HA HA - I just read her post about the snuggie this morning - my hubby is such a TV buyer!!
    Thanks for the vid's!!

  14. ROFLMAO!!!! sad to say...that snuggie thing would be perfect for hockey at 7am while I watch my son! lol
    can you imagine the looks I'd get? lol
    this post was so fun!
    have a great weekend!

  15. for some reason when i hit the enter button it posted the comment already....

    the wtf blanket is awesome!!!!!!!!

    i think i would want one.....just cause of that commercial! :)

  16. LOVED that snuggie commercial!!! To funny!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.