Monday, January 26, 2009

Manic Monday

I have had a whole lotta nothing to blog about I'm doing some meme's to try and kick start this brain of mine!

What gives you hope?
My daughter gives me hope. I like to think that if we created something as amazing as her, then I must be doing something right.

How often do you get your haircut? Describe your worst haircut.
Ok, first of all, I have to explain that I have some "personal space" isssues. I don't like people all "up in my bid-ness" . I don't like strangers close to me. I know, it's weird. I should probably seek therapy. That said, my last haircut was..... October!! And my mom did it! I am growing it out now though... so, that's a good excuse right??

What's your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
I am sure alot of people say this, but I really don't get attached to physical things. I know, I know... but it's true. I don't keep alot of "things" around me. I don't even really take great care of the things I do have around. I like to think that the memories are important and not the actual object. I tend to throw everything away. Anyway, getting off subject here... I guess my most prized peice of jewlery would be my hubby's wedding ring. I wear it on my wedding ring finger instead of my set. My set is worn out. This is the original ring we got him, which is thick and braided. (looks really cool) and he couldn't wear it around machinery we was working on. We got him a plain band, and I took to wearing the old one. It's big on me, but I like it! Makes me think of him when I look at it.

Now, go do a manic monday meme for yourself!!!


  1. I am the same way about my personal space and rarely get my hair cut!

  2. Hi Kel :)
    posting a meme over at my place, I love reading your posts, have a great Monday :)

  3. Funny...I try and try to convince myself that a haircut should be a good thing, so i schedule them and notoriously cancel the day before.

    I hate all the touching. ;)

    We are too much alike sometimes.

  4. I love the wedding ring. The whole concept is very endearing!

  5. I have three stages I usually go through before I get mine cut…

    1. Just after it is cut.
    2. The point where I have to wet a comb to get it to stay in place.
    3. The point where I have to use mouse to get it to stay in place.

    After #3 I usually get a hair cut.

  6. Wow I'm glad I read today. I was thinking how horrible of a person I was to never get my hair cut but maybe twice a year. I got you beat. It has been since last summer....maybe June. And the thing is one of my best friends cuts my hair so its not a closeness issue for me. I don't really know what it is.

  7. my last hair cut....
    JUNE 08!!

    before that...
    you ready for this....

    i hate ....for some reason...
    getting my hair cut!
    i just don't know why!

    i have an appointment for mid february...however...i have enough time to get out of it! :/

  8. i really like the whole wedding band idea that you do... really cool! im like you though.. i'll clean and just want to throw everything away and my hubbby is all "whoaaa waita minute!" lol

  9. Haircuts are very stressful. Kind of like the first time having sex with a new partner...not that I know what that's like at all. Just trying to imagine.

  10. I really try and get my haircut once a month. HOWEVER--life usually gets in the way so I tend to go 2 months!!

  11. I try to get mine cut every 6-8 weeks, my hair is short so if I don't then it starts looking all shabby. I am like you about jewerly my wedding ring and then the ring my grandmother gave me before she passed away!

  12. 1. God givevs me hope.
    2. I get a trim every 6 weeks. I haven't had a cut since May 2001.
    3. I don't wear a lot of jewelry, but my engagement and wedding rings are definitely the only pieces I would cry over if I lost them. (so sweet that you wear your hubby's ring)

  13. I have been having trouble posting lately too. I haven't been able to actually complete a thought well enough to write about it.

    I don't get my hair cut very often because I feel guilty spending the money...oh mom guilt, it's a beautiful thing. But when I do go I love it.

  14. I finally took my ring in to be redipped. It was white gold, but had these little raised areas outside the baguettes that were yellow gold, and it came back completely white. I like the look of it better, but it actually made me a bit sad it wasn't the same ring. I was surprised to feel that way, because like you, I'm not really attached to things either.

  15. That is so sweet. I love that you wear his ring.

    I hear you on the personal space. I feel the same way about massages sometimes.

  16. I love how you say you must be doing something right because of your daughter. So sweet!

  17. Everyday I wake up I have hope. Hope that this will be a better day than the last. Not that the last was necessarily bad, I just hope for better.
    I'm back and forth about my hair. Let it grow...cut it short. I am currently going through a keep it short phase and it's just past my shoulders. I get it trimmed and thinned (cause it's a freaking mop) every 4-5 weeks. And I have to color it every 2 weeks cause it's a GRAY MOP!
    Most treasured piece of jewelry hands down would be my wedding band. The engagement ring has changed over the years, the wedding band is perfect.

  18. Memes can save the day plus they're fun!

  19. You wearing your husbands ring is very sweet. Happy Monday.

  20. My mom cute mine sometimes too... but I confess, I love to have someone brush and fiddle with my hair!
    Happy Monday!~

  21. I love having my hair cut....BUT I have been going to the same girl for years so it is like having a good friend do it rather than some stranger!

  22. I don't like to keep alot of things either. In fact, I like getting rid of things so much that I'll get rid of something that I end needing weeks later!

  23. I have the same personal space thing! I cant ever sleep in a bed with someone unless im facing away from them because i hate them being near my face! Great blog!



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