Sunday, January 18, 2009

I love him 'cause he's an idiot like me.

My hubs is just as goofy as I am. No one gets us, but each other.

So, on Satuday, Barrack Obama came through our area on his "Whistle Stop" tour. Hubby and I passed one of the sites while on the highway and started acting like our usual stupid selves. We started making up songs for Obama... for some reason, we found them hilarious...

"Here I am..Barrack you like a hurricane!"
"I want my baby Barrack, baby Barrack, baby Barrack... chili's Baby Barrack Ribs."
"I'm Bringin' Sexy Barrack.."

We then moved on to movies:
The Empire Strikes Barrack
Barrack to the Future
Barrack-Back Mountain

and of course:
Welcome Barrack Kotter.

We had so many, I can't even remember them all. Come on, you know you wanna join in with some of your own....


  1. That's just funny! I, never in a million years can be the kind of creative! Kudos to you! My husband can..not me! These seriously funny though!

  2. Can You Smell What Barack Is Cooking?

    That's my contribution.

  3. An adaption to Arnold's character in "The Terminator"...
    "I'll Be Barrack."

  4. I'm too tired to come up with one but your are funny. I'm psyched for Tuesday!!!

  5. You guys sound JUST like me and my hubby!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. lol! I love it. I'm just not that creative! My hubs totally is. Always coming up with crazy stuff like that. lol I'll have to read this to him!

  8. LOL! I would have liked to be in the car with you!

    Doncha wish your president was hot like Barrack?

  9. I love it, you AND your hubby are hilarious.

    I would add more, but I cannot top Jenni Jiggity. That's hilarious.

  10. Those are good, very good!! Very exciting times in the States!

  11. HAHAHA! Those made me laugh. That sounds a whole lot like something that would happen in our house. We seem to make up a lot of silly songs.

  12. The Beatles song: Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner....blah,blah,blah...Barack, Barack, Get back to where you once belonged. YES!

  13. I totally want to take a road trip with you guys!

    My family has had a running joke for at least 2 years now. Some distant uncle had his eye removed. Now we do pirate jokes all day every day, pirate-theme birthday parties, the works. We just found out this one-eyed uncle might be coming to our family reunion this summer. Should we have eye patch name tags?

  14. Sorry...I didn't leave all my info lat time.

  15. okay, seriously I have been sitting her for 10 minutes singing though songs in my head and can't come up with a damn thing! I am so disappointed in myself. I could probably make up a song about dirty diapers if you'd like. ;)

    Luke and I are really goofy too...but its the kind of goofy that no one understands...lets just face it we are weird...Monkey is doomed!

  16. Those are great. I'll be thinking about these the next few days:)

  17. Party like Barack star! My husband and I have a similar goofy chemistry that no one else gets but us. You and your hubby sound like fun!

  18. You guys are too funny...I myself have nothing useful to add to this, but it was funny seeing what y'all came up with!

  19. It's good to be silly. Thanks for the early morning laughs. Oh yeah, here's my contribution......Barack Obama had a farm, e i e i oooooo

  20. How about that old Kiss favorite....

    "I wanna Barack and Roll all night-- and party every day!!"

    yeah..we do the same thing :) I literally cannot WAIT until tomorrow!!!!

  21. Question: If Kimber P "literally can not wait until tomorrow", WHAT does she do????

  22. I need to get some Poise Pads or something... I just peed. Hysterical!

  23. you and your hubby are very very funny! I read all your post but just commenting here to say you rock!

  24. Bring Barrack that lovin' feeling!

    Too funny, especially the Bringing Sexy Barrack!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.