Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Potpourri Post............

I've got a few thoughts brewing around in this head of mine and it's making a big stink.. so here goes.

My mom came home yesterday!! woo hoo! Thank you all for you kind words, thoughts and prayers. She is still really weak and out of breath, but at least she is at home. I'm going over today to clean her house and cook dinner for her and dad. She is arguing about it.. but she'll get over it.

For some stupid reason, I agreed to take my old job back. I know, I know.. all I ever did was bitch about it, but I'm back to it. We need the money. I'll be back to about 35 hours a week. It's all from home for now, eventually I may be back in the office, but not now. I am upset about it, because I really wanted this to be my time. I wanted to take some classes, read, volunteer at the library and just learn to be a housewife and stay at home mom. When I work at home, the housework suffers... big time. But, now that I have bitched, I will not bitch again.(at least about this subject) I need to count my blessing that I have a job, one that I can do at home while my daughter is in school, and a very sweet boss who was more than happy to take me back.

I am starting tomorrow. I have decided to do it. Their quick routines should help me get the house in some type of order and still be able to get my work done.

I am starting a new walking workout tomorrow. My goals are basically just to walk everyday during the week. That's my first goal. Once I do that for awhile, I will start adding more miles and stuff. I need exercise!

So, that's it for now.. I don't think this blog could get anymore boring lately!!


  1. You're not boring. I almost took an old job back recently too. It stinks to have to do something you don't love for the money. I'm sorry. I hope it gets better and I'm so glad you can work from home.

    I sat here and danced in my seat (you know, the head bob) listening to Vanilla Ice. You rock. Hilarious. Now we'll both have it in our heads for a week !

  2. I walk in the pool at my gym. If you have that as an option, you might really enjoy it. The results are pretty good when I remember to eat less too. xo

  3. I'm glad your mom is home and doing better!

    And I hope that things get better so you don't have to work anymore.

  4. Its good to hear that your mom is home and doing better. Hopefully she will continue to get her health restored!

    Because I'm new(er) around here, I don't know the stories behind your job. I look forward to seeing how it goes.

    P.S. I love todays song! It made me smile (brings back soo many memories)

  5. Glad your mom is back. I am sure she will enjoy your cooking a lot better than hospital food! ICK!

  6. good to hear your mom is doing better..that's a load of stress off you right there. as for the job, just keep saying to yourself "this too shall pass" hang in'll be fine :)

  7. see?? i told you bloggy get-well wishes work! i shoulda thought of that sooner. i'm glad she's home. whatcha cookin' her for dinner? and when are you coming over here to clean. *cough, cough* i've been *cough* sick too ;)

    that's sucks/is good about the job. i've gone back to work at the same place 2 diff times before, but the boss was an alcoholic a$$ not a sweetie. never again! lol hope the money makes it worth it.

  8. So if you hate this job and you like blogging (which I assume you do since your blog is so cool) then maybe you SHOULD be doing reviews.
    I haven't made any money yet blogging. I can recommend to places for research
    for a list of places that pay for reviews

    I am glad your mom is home!

  9. Very happy your mom is back. And this blog is definately not boring.

  10. I have toyed with the idea of going back to work, but since Monkey is still so young it would cost a fortune to put her in daycare. Damn money always, dictating your decisions!

  11. Glad to hear moms doing better! Yeah, the things we do for money. It's the pits.

    Keep us posted.... you're never boring!

  12. Your not boring!!!

    I'm so glad to know your mom is doing better! It's never fun having a sick parent - and I'm glad that she's doing better and able to rest at home!

    I know it sucks to have to work and not go to school right away - but I agree. A job is a job - and money is money! :) You can still take night classes and online classes! At least get started - even if you start with one tiny class to get into the routine. :)

    I'm excited about you starting Fly Lady!! Did you order the Control Journal or what?? I'm so interested in doing it - but too broke to pay for it just to see how it goes. If I spend any more money on things I "want" to do, my husband will freak! lol

    Good luck on the work out! As much as I want to work out and lose weight I just don't have the motivation right now. Awful, huh??

    Anyway, don't worry about blogging about "boring" random things. Sometimes those are the funnest to read! :)

  13. I'm so glad to hear your mom is home!

    I'm so sorry about the job. I had a job I hated going to once and when I would get so frustrated to the point I would almost quit, my aunt would say to me "just think about the money" a 16 year old that did it, I was in the car and on the way there...thinking of the money really, really hard while I served rich people their food at the golf course.

    Now that I'm all grown up, thinking about the money doesn't really help that much because my grown-up life motto is: "Mo Money Mo Problems" ...with the Mo...I don't know why, I think I got it from song lyrics or something *scratches head*

    Anyway, now that I'm rambling and taking up your good comment real estate, I just wanted to say that I hope you can find some balance with this new job where you can get to do all the things you want to do. Best of luck! :)

  14. Happy New Year! I wish you the best of luck with your goals and keep blogging please!

  15. So glad your mom is home again. She deserves pampering no matter how much she complains.

    Good luck with your walking workout. Just remember that any journey begins with a single step. Take small steps and you will be comfortable with your workout in no time.

  16. I am very glad to hear your mom is home!

    Good luck with your new/old job...

  17. your not boring, I understand about taking a job back that you didn't like in the first place. Hey we all have to do what we have to do I commend you for the sacrifices you are making for your family.
    We all can't be super wives and moms....cut yourself a little slack.

    You Rock

  18. No, no, no...not boring at all!!

    I'm so glad Mom is home!

    I too work at a job that is 'just ok' but like you, it adds income and I get to work from home so I can be here for my boys! That is my main job!

    Don't stress about the is too short to worry about making it perfect!

  19. Really glad to hear your mom is home! What a scare!!

    Take it easy on yourself... the housework can wait! I've been a housewife for years and bitch about how my time isn't worth anything anymore, so it can go both ways! ;-)

  20. Hello! This is my first visit...your blog name really grabbed my attention. I wear glasses too! Anyway, I love your sense of humor. Have a blessed day!

  21. im back! well i wish you the best of luck with ALL these ventures! sounds like a lot on your plate so you better remember to take it easy too!

  22. Having a job is hard and trying to manage the house. Just like you said it's like everything suffers, but with the economy like it is money is the bottom line. Right?

    Anyway glad your mom is better :)

  23. I am so happy to hear your mom is home!

    I have an award for you at my blog today! :)

  24. I didn't know your mom was sick. I feel bad that I wasn't there to give you some moral support at least. That being said I am very glad that she is on the mend and coming home.
    I don't think you or your blog are boring. So keep it coming.
    Tomorrow I will (finally) do that letter "C" post. Finally... :)

  25. I would love to work from home!

  26. Check out My Web Site
    Add Your Blog Free No? and Safe.
    (Jeff's Karaoke Feedback)

  27. A job from HOME that is not a scam?! Tell me your secrets oh wise one!

  28. Glad your mom is doing well...My sister in law actually gets those fly lady e-mails...I think you'll like it..but she will keep yo butt busy!

  29. I hope your mom builds her strength back very soon! Let me know how the walking goal is to work out on the Wii Fit...hasn't happened yet...I suck!

  30. Just found your blog and you are not boring! Just started reading your blog but sounds like you had a tough time with your mom in the hospital so I am glad she is back home

  31. I totally understand how you have mixed feelings about work. However, I know that I struggle at being a housewife and I stay at home! Sounds like we have similar goals...walking and the housewife stuff. Good Luck!

  32. I am glad your mom is home. I hope all goes well.

    You are the second person in two days who has mentioned this Fly Lady. I'm going to check it out.

    Good luck with the walking routine...I think it is the best exercise. All you need are feet!

    And I hope the second time is the charm on your job!

  33. I was going to start to exercise too. Then I woke up. Sigh. Maybe next month.

  34. Sorry to hear about your mom, but it's great that she's home! My mother is in the hospital with a lung condition at the moment...small universe!

  35. I think spring/summer needs to come so everyone can have something new and exciting to talk about!!!

  36. Good luck with your walking workout! That's how it starts and before long you'll be running too!

    Glad your mom is home and doing better!

  37. Well, when you need the money, you do what you gotta do. I am sorry though "your time" was cut short.

  38. And I forgot to add, I am glad your mom is home!

  39. Glad your mom is home :) I'm for hire if you need a house keeper! lol

  40. Oh Kel, going back to work can be so tough but you're right - so many folks are out of work so counting your blessings that you have a job is a good way to go. I'm going to be doing some work in about a month and I haven't worked in a year. The household always suffers and that's the hardest part.

    Glad your mom is home and good luck with the job!

  41. First of all YAY MOM!
    Second, that's great that you can work from home. That'd be my first choice, too!
    Third, Flylady can be great and I hope it helps you. :)


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