Thursday, January 15, 2009

My New Button - Courtesy of Keri!

Keri over at It Fickers Dimly, made me this awesome button. (for free... out of the goodness of her sweet little heart!) She's the best! Check out her blog, here.

And grab my button! I am gonna go around today and collect as many as I can!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src=""/></a>


  1. I love the fact that it looks a lot like a wii character— is it?

  2. Grab my button... heh... sounds... um... dirty. heh.

  3. Very nice button. I haven't started doing the button thing yet.

  4. Love it! She did a great job and I have added it to my blog! Now, don't forget to grab mine while you are off collecting buttons :)

  5. Is this different than the one I already had grabbed? Or did you just move it from when I grabbed it?

    Hey...ask Keri who taught her 'for free'. ;)

  6. I grabbed it the other day - it looks so cool!! And, in the shameless effort of self-promotion, GRAB MINE!!

  7. Love the button...I so need one, but I'm completely computer ignorant...I'm lucky I know how to send an email and log onto blogger.

  8. That is so nice of Keri. She seems like the nicest friggin' person. Nice button now what I'm supposed to do with it??

  9. I like it! I'll put it on my sidebar soon. I am working on putting a button together too, so save a spot for me!

  10. Kel, you're so flippin' awesome! It was so nice of you to be so nice to me. Thanks a zillion for the mention. Keep rockin' with your bad self!

  11. ok, i'll guess i'll look like the total idiot and ask, "why do we want a button and what do we do with it? oh, and is this gonna be like the friendship pens from school and everybody who doesn't have one is gonna feel like a big loser?"

  12. i was thinking of changing my "blog list" to a buttons list...seen it around and it's def cuter. and we do have the "follow" list on the Dashboard so no need for two lists, right? as soon as i get my ass in gear I will def grab you- HEE HEE...i said i'm gonna grab you :P

  13. Love the new button! Good for you getting all high tech and stuff. :)

  14. your button is too cute!
    i love the whole button idea
    and exchanging them!
    i've taken it upon myself to make them for all my friends who don't know how!
    i'm so glad the rambler taught me how to make them!


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