Thursday, January 1, 2009

Would you Rather Wednesday- A Day Late... so what?

Yeah.. it's been that kind of week.. but I like this game, so here goes!
I post a few "would you rather" questions and you answer them. Add your link to Mr. Linky and post a Would you Rather question on your blog! They can be gross, silly, serious, thought-provoking or dirty... who cares!

Now here are my two: (and no, you cannot pick "neither")

1. Would you rather sleep in bed with a chronic snorer or a two year old kid every night?

and bonus gross out question:

2. Would you rather have sex with Donald Trump or Clay Aiken? (yup, I just went there.. deal with it.)

now it's your turn!


  1. Wow, good questions!

    I think I'm going to have to go with chronic snorer. I've been able to manage for 5 years.

    And Clay Aiken. Didn't even have to think about that.

  2. Hands down, the snorer.

    The Clay Aiken vs Donald Trump.....Yuck! Um..Clay Aiken. At least that way I wouldn't have to hear "You're Fired" afterward....

  3. Chronic snorer my house that is me and the five year old...I come from a long line of lady snorers...I know, it's weird!

    Donald Trump...I believe that Clay likes men so he wouldn't have a clue!

  4. Haha.
    I'd pick the two year old-can't stand snoring.

    The second one.....oy...I guess Clay...blah!

  5. sleep with a snorer....i mean i sleep with myself everynight anyway! :)

    and clay....
    i mean really,
    he has better hair! :)

  6. I'd have to go with the chronic snorer

    EW!! Um, I'd have to say Clay. I don't know how I could pick EITHER, considering you made my other option Donald Trump!! Eeeeewwww!!!!!! (Wait... would money be involved? I'm kidding, I'M KIDDING!!)

  7. Well let's see I already do both (well actually it's a snorer and a 17 month old) so at this point I'd rather sleep with my son.

    As far as the second question...that's just sick and if I absolutely had to choose I guess it would be Clay though the thought of either of those two is yucky!

    Happy New Year!

  8. well, being i have a 3 yrd old in my bed every night that's easy... 2 yr old! besides, i am the one that snores! lol

    and i guess Clay. ew.

  9. Hmmm... Monkey isn't quite 2 yet but she is a bit of a snorer and always has been. So I think a snorer.

    As far as Donald and Clay, I guess I would have to settle for Clay, then maybe he could give me some hair tips afterward.

  10. Since I almost killed my chronic snorer last night, I'm going to choose two year old. But only if they're more on the former snorer's side than mine :)

  11. 1) I can sleep pretty much anywhere so, the snorer.

    2) Trump. He's been with lots of beautiful women so hopefully he knows what he's doing.

    Happy New Years!

  12. LOL! This post totally cracked me up...especially the Clay Aiken goodness...NEVER!

  13. OMG!!!!!!!
    I would go to bed with a 2 yr old... I cannot handle snoring, altho I snore.
    I am going to say Donald Trump... Clay Aiken has too much of a "Gay Face" going on for me.

  14. Kid. He's grow up.
    Hmm Donald Trump. Then I could "accidentally" get pregnant and be set for life!

  15. Sleep with the kid. (Actually, I've been told that I am the snorer. Lies...all lies.)

    Clay Aiken.

    I like this! I'll try to post on my blog as soon as I can think of some questions.

  16. Snorer...I am already doing that and 2 year olds are squirmy buggers!

    Clay, I guess. I couldn't deal with The Donald's floppy hair...

  17. Wait, I think I want door number THREE.

    (I just threw up a little thinking about sleeping with EITHER ONE.)

  18. and the two year old. At least that one WON'T want sex.

  19. 1. I already sleep with a chronic snorer, I use toolshop strength ear prob.

    2. it would have to be Clay..we could go shopping for shoes and Starbucks afterwards :)

  20. I have the unfortunate blessing of sleeping with both my wife and our dog who both snore.

    Cannot answer the second question because I am comfortable with my manhood and want to keep it that way (sorry Don and Clay).

  21. I sleep with ear plugs anyway, so snorer is fine. Wiggly two-year-old--not so fine!

    Most definitely Clay Aiken--then I could boast that I was the woman who turned him straight!!--just kidding, nothing wrong with gay. Donald Trump--that man makes me furious--I'd be tempted to go all Lorena Bobbit on him--just kidding, emasuculation isn't funny, but I do despise him. Yes, I am a freak sorry ahhh!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.