Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday.........

Can't wait for the circus to come back this year!


  1. oh how much fun! Ours comes in a month and a half or so but I think my little man is still too young!

  2. ack! I can't do circuses..

    the clowns man...those damn, menacing, pancake-faced demons of the big top.


  3. Haven't been to a circus in quite some are almost old enough to go now.

    Here's my Thousand Word Thursday post

  4. aw... so cute! almost makes me want to take mine. can you believe i have never taken my kids to the circus (or disney world, for that matter)? does that qualify as abuse?

  5. i love the circus, it was the one thing my mother use to take us to.

  6. I hope they put on more of a show for you! *Sigh*

  7. We've hit the Shriner's Circus a couple times and the kids have LOVED it. Maybe this spring we'll make it again... Thanks for the reminder!

  8. i love the circus. now my husband on the other hand thinks they are overrated. maybe over priced but who cares, right?

  9. What a cutie. husband just told me he wants to go to the circus--we don't have kids! I was like...are we taking the niece and the nephew?

  10. Oh...that looks like fun! My youngest two have never been to a real circus...I'm such a bad mom...UGH! Happy ATWT!

  11. We took the boys to a rinky-dink little circus a few years ago but I'd love to take them to big one like Ringling Bros (where I'm not freaked out that the tent will fall!)

  12. kimber p's comment is hilarious.

    You've just inspired me to look up the circus, I'd love to take my boys. I hadn't even thought of it. So...thanks!

    Adorable photo of course!

  13. oooooh! the circus is one of my fave things EVER! i've only been a couple of times but i still get excited when it comes around!

  14. oooh the circus! This year will be my little girls first time! :)

    Have a great day.

  15. Got to love those $12 slushies!

    She is adorable.

  16. We've never been, unless you count the Circus Circus casino/hotel! LOL. Hope you don't mind I jumped in and made your new book blog button! ;)

  17. Such a cutie pie! Clowns freak me out! But I know my daughter is going to want to do this at least once in her life!

  18. She is too cute! No circus for us, clowns freak me out!

  19. I haven't been to a circus in so long!

  20. I have never been to the circus, but I really want to go this year!

  21. She is sooo cute! I love the circus too but haven't been in awhile due to allergies...I'd be a big snott ball in under an hour (sorry if TMI)

    So far I've lost 7 lbs (12lbs if you count the 5lbs I gained when I started running) Mr. C said it was b/c I was converting fat to muscle and muscle weighs more. Sounds good to me :-)

  22. Yeahh the circus!! The bean doesnt care for them anymore she is too cool for them!

  23. She's a doll! I have circus pictures of Moo and her cousin and I smile every time I see them! xo

  24. OMG, I haven't been to the circus since 1987? Something like that....whew, been awhile!! But my boys are old enough and would really get a kick out of it, I should look and see when it's coming to town again!

  25. Aw! I especially love that she's wearing orange!

  26. I always loved taking my boys to the circus! Now there's no one for me to take. :(
    I wonder if I could borrow a kid or two.

  27. The circus is better than Disney to me!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  28. what a cute photo! I wish we had a circus that came around here! that would be too much fun!
    thanks for the visit today...nice to see another super mom blogging!

  29. My little guy loved the circus. Next up...Disney on ice! Yay!

  30. She looks so sweet. The circus is fun but I think we have a another year or two before Monkey will sit still long enough I think.

  31. Ringling Brothers Circus is so bad that Denny's Restaurants no longer promotes a circus that "beats animals with steel-tipped hooks...".

    A Caring Mom Who Will NEVER Go to a Circus Again

  32. Wow! Thank you, anonymous.. I did not know that. I was told that Ringling Bros was not mistreating their animals! They really still do that?? That is awful!
    You have just changed my mind about that circus...


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