Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fragments

Ahh... a friday fragment post is just what I need today. I'm not sure if ya noticed, but I hadn't posted much this week. I've just been busy. I wish I had a better excuse. I have not run off with Edward from Twilight to join his vampire world of designer clothes and sports cars. I have not won the lottery and gone on a shopping rampage through malls all over america. And I most definitly have not been chosen for America's Next Top model and jetted to Paris. Although, I am sure all three are very possible. (Laugh, and I'll cut you.)I've just been tired and busy, but I missed my bloggy buddies.

So let me open this brain of mine and let the nonsense run wild.....

Why the hell have we not gotten any good snow yet? I am pissed. We were supposed to get a big snow this weekend and now they are saying just rain. God damn weathermen...I know they have control of this somehow. Damn voodoo bastards.

Mom is much better. Or at least she seems it. She has a checkup today and Dad is taking her, so I don't have to drag her in there. I've spent the last week cooking for my parents and cleaning up for them. I would love to say that my house has suffered because of it, but the truth is, my house was in dire straits to begin with.

I'm back to work, as you know, and I getting back into the hang of it. It's not so bad. I'm lucky to work at home, I know that. It's boring, but that's what reruns of Entourage are for.

For some unknown reason, our pug decided to pee on our space heater this week. I don't know why. We turned it on, to warm the joint up a bit. A few minutes later, Hubs and I started sniffing. "ewwww... what is that stench?" Um... it's scorched pug piss, of course!! I have no idea why he did it, but his ass is staying in the basement when we leave from now on. I love that little booger, but ewww.. that's just nasty.

So blah, blah, blah... that's it for now. I am going to try and make my rounds and catch up with everyone tonight. Hope everyone has been well!


  1. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better!

  2. Love the alliteration— is that your creation? If it is… cool.

    Eww Pug Piss… reminds me of when my sister just got her doberman and my dad was laying on the floor. As he passed by my dad he figured that his head was a good enough place to piss as any.

  3. eewww scorched pug piss does not sound like a pleasant smell at all! lol my s.daughter has been having dog issues too but, i must say hers are worse, so you can feel better knowing someone is suffering worse than you. :)

    glad to hear your mom is continuing to improve and that you're taking care of both of them so well. big kudos to you for that!

  4. lol at pug piss!!
    Glad your mom is feeling better. It jsut started snowing here in OHIO!!! Yeah!

  5. I can send you lots and lots of snow. Out, damn snow!

  6. I'm so glad you're back! We missed you Kel!

  7. Glad you're getting back into your blogging and your mom is doing better.
    Ew on the pug stuff. I try to always tell Sam good boy while he is doing his thing outside (he's always on a lesh so I get to monitor that stuff yuck!) Dear hubby would get rid of him if he started going inside!

  8. YUCK! hot pug piss.... and i hope you get some snow but i had my fair share PLUS some on the trip to colorado, i am actually happy and proud to be back in 70 degree south georgia!!

  9. still waiting on the snow here, too. my boys are about to come unglued.

    i am so disturbed by your space heater story. i never, EVER thought about worrying that my dogs could do that... ours sits on the floor too.

    have a great weekend!

  10. Glad your mom is on the mend, sorry about the pug pee, and all that other brain matter, it sounds like you're back - welcome!!

  11. I'm glad your mom is doing better.
    The dog peed on the heater? I'd put the dog outside until it snowed:)

  12. I'm so glad your mom is doing better!

    I might have to start saying "PUG PISS" whenever I stub my toe or don't get my way.

  13. I am glad your mom is doing better, Kel!

    Pug Piss! is an excellent exclamation!

    And we are getting snow here AGAIN this weekend. You want snow? I have your snow right here...

  14. Its good to hear that that the health concerns are getting better. as far as im concerned you can have any and all snow that comes my way.

  15. Ahhh - just blame the messy house on working and caring for others 1st - that's what I do ;)

  16. You can have some of our snow. Really, I would be happy to share with you!

    I am glad your mom is doing better!

    And yuck to pug pee! Gross!

  17. Hey, you forgot to add your post to Mr.Linky! (Don't worry; I took care of it for you :) Glad to hear your mom is doing better! Better get to bed!

  18. wow....burnt pug pee. awesome. does the old light a candle trick work for that one?

  19. I wonder if pug piss is as bad as pig pus?

  20. Ewww...darn dog! Let me tell you from experience...boy dogs..little boy dogs are the worst. I used to have a dog that would walk past a corner and would hike his freakin leg without even stopping. Grrrr...would make me SO mad. Our girl dog we have now..NEVER (hope I don't jinx it)pees in the house.

    Glad your mom is doing better!!

    As you can see I too am playing 'catch up' on visiting my fav blogs!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.