Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To all those who said I would amount to nothing....

YOU CAN SUCK IT! CAUSE I AM A SUPER STALKER!! In your face, guidance counselor who said I would prosper in the fast food industry. In your face, mean high school girl who called me a loser. Because I have gained popularity amongst my bloggy buddies.. and that's all I need. (well, that an any extra millions you have lying around.. oh, and Brad Pitt if he's available..)

I would like to thank you, my bloggy friends, who I love dearly. When I got into blogging again, I was a little jaded. Like I've said, I had an old livejournal account a few years ago and ended up being harassed by a very creepy reader. So far, so good this time around, but I'm prepared if it happens again. (BRING IT, FREAKS!) I truly do enjoy reading all of your blogs and getting to know you. I love the camaraderie and support that we all seem to have for each other. I just wish the off-line world were as sweet.

For those of you who don't know what it is, The Super Stalker award is a brand award over at BSU. I am just touched that I was chosen as the very first recipient!!

This award is presented to a Super blogger. This person is not only a terrific person, but a great bloggy friend. More than just a Stalker, they are a loyal reader who cares. The comments that they leave in their wake are sincere and heart-felt -making it apparent that they are truly interested. That someone cares. To which we reward them by saying:

All we ask is the following:
1-In your own time, share this award with ONE other blogger who you feel is worthy of the Super Stalker title. This award is not to be handed out freely, but deliberately given from one Super Stalker to another -Making the recipient deserving. Keeping the award true to its form and the reason for its beginning.
2-As you award that one Super Blogger, include this message in its entirety along with your acceptance speech.

I am just so overwhelmed with warm, toasty bloggy love. I am getting all choked up..please give me a minute and talk amongst yourself..... need a topic? Here is one:

Ok, I'm back. Now to the hard part. I have to give this award to just one person. Just one. Crap. I've got tons of people I want to hand it out to. But the first one that popped in my mind is Catherine, over at Evolving Mommy. She is just a sweetheart. She has always has a kind or funny comment. You can tell she actually reads my posts and leaves a thoughtful comment in her wake. She's even checked up on when I hadn't posted for a few days.

So, Catherine @ Evolving Mommy..... you are A SUPER STALKER!!

I am just so proud of receiving this award. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  1. that is awesome. You are the prom queen of blogs. I want to be your friend. congrats on being #1 for the award!!!

  2. YAY YOU! You rock. Totally deserved. :)

  3. I'm getting all vaclempt… hold on… that's better.

    Congratulations on amounting to something well appreciated in this blogger world of ours.

  4. vaclempt: To appear extremely distraught.

    so that means you don't actually have to be distraught, just appear distraught. hehe

    i don't think that's an award i will receive. i'm too smart alecky instead of sincere in my comments

    but i can live with that :)

    oh, yeah. congrats! i'm sure you deserve that one.

  5. Congratulations! It is very well deserved!

  6. You really do deserve this! I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you for very long but I love the comments you leave on my blog. I'm looking forward to stalking you for a long time in the future.

  7. Congrats Kel...you so deserve this award!

  8. Seriously, I'm with Heather...this award is totally well deserved...you truely are a fantastic blog stalker. and thank you for passing this award on to me I'm actually a little teary eyed Kel, your too good to me.

  9. You go girl - congrats!! Loved your speech!

  10. Congrats... that may be the coolest and best award I have seen yet! it would make me feel good too... right on.. you deserve it!!

  11. Yeah Kel...you do deserve this and much more! I have really enjoyed getting to know you also!

  12. Congratulations to you and to Catherine!

  13. i have gone through an read your blog.. cause you are the SUPPER STALKER!! i love your awsomness!!(not a real word) i still am so new to all this blogging stuff but.. i can tell a great blog when i see one!!!


  14. You're the BEST! You Deserve it!

    Happy Stalking!

  15. ok... i was gonna steal your button... but i cant find it :( am i blind or is it MAYBE hidden! lol

  16. Congrats, you Super Stalker! I love reading your blog. It always gives me a laugh.

  17. Congrats on the award! You totally deserve it!

  18. I'm happy for you! This is a great award! I actually have never visited before your mention today on BSU so I'm glad to have found your blog!

  19. you definitely deserve it! and just think... you can put it on your resume!

    i only comment because i don't want that poor kitty to get shot.

  20. CONGRATS Kel!! You totally deserve it!!

  21. I too was told the best I could hope for was to just be happy. Kind of takes the wind out of your sails. But the fact is, blogging had not been invented yet. So I was just biding my time. And I am happy. Dammit.

  22. an award most deserved.. let me just say that every time I come in here, I need to put my shades on ..you're just that brilliant! :)

  23. As my home girl, Dora the Explorer would say, "You did it"!

  24. Awww Kel, I can always say I knew you way back when we both only had about two followers each! You are doing good girl. There's no one more deserving!

  25. Well deserved award, my friend.

    I'm flippin' a big ol' bird at those who thought you'd amount to nothing. ;)

  26. I left you an award on my page..please come by and claim it and know how much it meant to me to award it! :)

  27. I am new to your blog and would give you a big hug (and I am NOT a hugger), if I could. You have a new reader.

  28. Congratulations!

    It's also great to *meet* you!!!

  29. YAY YAY YAY!
    i just read of your award over on bsu!
    i'm so totally happy for you! :)
    you totally deserve it! :)

  30. Yeah Kel...you know I think you rock...and Catherine!

  31. Whoo hoo! great award!!!! Good for you!

  32. Yes Kel you deserve this fine award and you also handed it out to another deserving chick. Catherine does rule. What a sweetheart she is - you are right.

    Hope all of this fame doesn't bring the freakos out!

  33. That is such a cool award...and not too much work like some of them. I've become a blog where awards go to die, I think. I'm trying to become better about turning them around. This one sounds pretty cool. Congrats!

  34. Congrats on being the Super Stalker. What an honour, and you wear it proud.

    Looking forward to getting to know you better!!

  35. You really do deserve to be the

    stop by my blog to see where you live.

  36. Awesome! Congrats! You are truly on top now!!

    PS I've tagged you, if you feel like playing :)

  37. you deserve it, I love your writing, you basically rock girlie!

  38. Congratulations! Now you need to come over to my place and get your next award....

  39. Yup, Stesha is right again, you are "Laughter"!

  40. Congrats on your super stalker award! Clearly you deserve it. And I'm glad you stopped by my blog - now we can stalk each other :)

  41. Funny...I didn't get to "stalk" you yet but came through a "go check her out" thing on a fellow bloggy friends, The RaMbLeR...yeah, I know confusing..but we realized we are twins from different states :)

    anywho...loved what you wrote.

    Congrats on being the first. Well deserved from what I see! :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.