Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

Here goes... you gotta choose one! You can't say neither! Post your link with Mr. Linky and do one on your site!

Now, Would you rather?

Have one piece or jewelry that you really love?

or many expensive pieces that you merely like?

Would you rather...

Have your child marry someone with very poor prospects (as in jobs,money?) but they loved?

Or someone who was highly succesful and rich, but not their first choice?


Be Donald Trump's Mistress?
Rosie O'donnel's Gynecologist?? (yup... you heard me..)


  1. The first one was easy- I would much rather have one piece that I adored than a bunch that are just alright. I really don't wear much jewelry anyway.

    The second one was a little harder- but I would have to say someone they love. Neither Adam and I had a lot going for us when we got married but things are coming out great!

    And I would choose Rosie's Gyno because that is a once a year gig...

  2. Geez! This one is tough!
    1. One piece of jewelry
    2. Poor
    3. I'm sorry. I know I am cheating, but I can't go there. Both options are just too gross. But then agian, maybe I could be Trump's mistress, then leave him, and blackmale him? Evil, I know, but it was an evil question.

  3. I would rather have one peice i loved than i bunch that i only liked.

    I would want my kid to marry for love only

    I cant answer last question..too ikky

  4. I am not a jewelry I would rather have one piece that I love.

    I definately want my girls to marry for love!

    And I would choose Rosie's Gyno...because doctors can just turn off all emotion when they do physical exams...they look only at the body part and not the person as a whole...and The Donald makes my skin crawl!

  5. Oh Kel..girlie you killin' me with the bonus questions.

    Its all too painful to imagine! I can't, I just can't.

    Okay I would rather one piece of jewelry that I love over many that I like. And I would rather my child marry for love and not money.

    As for the bonus question. Rosies Gyno. Get it done, get it over with and pray she forgets her next appointment!

  6. OH these bonus questions....
    Ok, I would much rather have one piece of of jewelry that I loved.
    I would much rather them be with someone poor and loved each other than have money and be miserable.
    And be Rosie's gyno your in and out in minutes and you only have to see her once a year.

  7. One piece of jewelry

    Marry for love

    stick a needle in my eye. What? That's not an option? Oh.

  8. Probably many pieces.

    For love. (It's like a Jane Austen novel!)

    And definitely Rosie's OBGYN.

  9. I'm not a huge jewelry person, so I would want one piece I love.

    The second was easy...marry for love. I would rather live in a car with my husband than a mansion with an ex-boyfriend who has lots of money but is a huge jerk.

    Last, I agree with Ashlee, Rosie's gyno because it's once a year. I think listening to her talk would be the worst part.

  10. i'm posting this on my blog as well.. answers:

    1. one piece I really love

    2. poor prospects and love

    3. Rosie's gyno..i'm a lesbian, but I dont find her attractive, but it'd be loads better than waking up to old comb-over!!!

  11. First - easy - 1 piece I love.
    I have that already.
    My wedding rings. Always on & just about the only thing I care to wear.

    Second - love without a question. And I mean love for her man not for her man's money.

    Third - Rosie's Ob. like Ashlee - its once a year & heck all Trump's money could't make this girl love that lifestyle.

  12. I would rather:

    have the piece of jewelry that I really loved

    have my son marry for love

    and have a fling with the Trumpster.

  13. I have two pieces of jewelry... my wedding ring and my claddagh ring...

    And I always want my child to marry for love...

    Uhh.... You know I jus tmight rather be Trump's bitch...

  14. these were easy for me this week!

    one piece of jewelry that i love cuz i'm not a jewelry person

    have my child marry for love, the rest will come as they mature and grow together

    rosie's gyno - because like someone else said it's just once or twice a year..and she's freakin hilarious!

  15. I would rather have once piece I love than a ton of stuff that I liked. For instance my wedding band.

    I guess I am a bit of a sap because I want Monkey to be in love and be loved money is nice but love is better.

    I guess Rosie's doc because like Ashlee said it would be a once a year thing.

  16. I'm going with the general consensus here and picking:
    1. 1 piece of jewelry
    2. Love!
    3. Rosie's gyno

  17. 1. One piece of jewlery that I really love. That's about all I have anyway. I'm a simple girl.

    2. Have my child marry someone they truly loved but had poor prospects. Definitely.

    3. You went too far with this question. I would rather be Rosie's Gyno though. And then I would drink. A lot. Heavily and often. Over and over again. Until I lost consciousness. Then I would wake up and drink some more.
    Get that?

    I still have a question for you about the book club blog when you get a chance.

  18. I love these - my hubby and I spent most of last Thurs night on them, starting with yours then searching for more!
    Lets see...
    I'd rather have the one piece, I'm not much of a jewelry person.

    I'm for love...unless they plan to divorce the first guy & take some $$ with them to the next guy (ok - not really!)

    I think I'd rather be DT's mistress, I'll close my eyes and pretend, but I imagine the perks are not bad...wait, does that make me a prostitute??? Still beats checking out Rosie's va-jay-jay.

  19. I would rather have a piece of jewelry I really loved, have my child marry someone they really loved, and the last one is tough, I would be the OBGYN because I would be making money on my own as a doctor.

  20. one piece I really love

    marry someone they love

    Rosie's gyno

  21. I'm a little late but...

    Lots of jewelry so I can hock it. I don't really care about jewelry.

    Marry someone they loved ... hopefully he will be successful.

    And gross out: I guess I'll go with Rosie's gyno since it could be a one-time thing and I'd refer her elsewhere while the Donald mistress thing would be ongoing...ick.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.