Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is Gumdrop... Roslyn's beloved hamster, who passed away last week. RIP, little Gumdrop.


  1. oh, this is so sad! look how much roslyn loves the little rat! rip, indeed, gumdrop! is he going to be replaced? i DON'T recommend a chinese water dragon as a replacement.

  2. Poor Gumdrop! She looks so excited while Gumdrop looks a little skiddish. Cute!

  3. Oh poor little thing! I had a run of hamsters for a while! I named them all hog! We had a Hog 1-5...all brown and white!

  4. Hamsters aren't the most durable rodents. 2-3 year life span at most. Guinea Pigs live a lot longer and make funny noises if you are looking for a replacement.

  5. Adorable photo. It stinks to lose a pet. RIP lil Gumdrop.

  6. my first thought was EWWWWW, then i read your caption and thought AHHHH! sorry for lil gumdrop!

  7. It is so hard to lose a pet! RIP little friend.

  8. Oh, so sorry. They look so happy in that picture. What a nice memory to have.

  9. awwww, so cute.

    rip, little gumdrop!

  10. Aaaawwww....poor Gumdrop and Roslyn!!

  11. What a cute pic - 'bye little Gumdrop!!

  12. Oh I bet she's heartbroken! He was a cutie!

  13. I'm sorry! I've had 2 hamsters and 1 guinea pig and loved them all:) Hugs to Roslyn!

  14. Rest in peace Little Gumdrop, rest in peace. Did Ros do ok with the news?

  15. Awww. Poor thing. How did your daughter handle it?? I remember when my sons guinea pig passed away my son was so freaking sad. :(

  16. Lil' Gumdrop, bless his itty bitty tiny heart! I'm sure he'll be missed.

  17. Gumdrop say tell Wilma (our deceased Ginny pig) we said hello and we miss her...Zoe still feels horrible about squeezing her too hard. But in her defense she was only 2 and none of us knew she could open the cage.


  18. Well that is just sad. I am sorry for your family.

  19. Oh Kel...I'm so sorry! I think you all must love the animals as much as we do! Happy ATWT!

  20. Aww....poor lil gumdrop. I hope you all are taking it well...thanks for stopping by my blog and following me....back at ya

  21. i had a teddy bear hamster once when i was little. i hated that sucker! he would keep me up all night chewing on the bars of his cage. he did it so much he rubbed the hair off the top of his nose! he also bit me. i don't even remember how i got rid of it, but it didn't last long. i will take a dog or cat anyday over another annoying rodent.

    but yeah, rip gumdrops. i know it's hard to lose a pet. even a rodent.

    (probably should have been named poop drops anyways)

  22. Oh, I am so sorry about the loss of your family hamster.

  23. Ohh no!! We haven't had much luck with hamsters either. We had one that was like Houdini and kept escaping until he escaped and was never found again.

    Then there was the one we had last year who died in his plastic tunnel thing. That was...interesting and sad.

  24. What a sweet picture.
    It reminds me of all the hamster's I had growing up. (I really wish someone had told my mom that hamster's have a 2 year life span. It would have saved a lot of grief and a lot of shoe boxes. Oh well.)
    I miss them all!

  25. Awwwww- that's such an adorable pic. Poor thing- at least your lil' one has a pic like this to remember by.

  26. RIP! He was a cutie and I am sure he will be missed.


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