Monday, January 19, 2009

'Cause Nothing Says Friendship Like Branding.....

Some of you will remember me talking about Roslyn and her best friend, Dorothy. They have been best friends pretty much from birth. Dorothy's mom is my best friend, we met in Kindergarten, so they didn't have much choice in this area. They were born two months apart and are as close as sisters.

Last night we had Dorothy over for a sleepover. The girls get so goofy together. They were taking a bath. We had the bathroom door open and just let them play. We heard so much laughing we had to peek in. Do you know what those girls were doing? They were writing their intials on each other's buttchecks with soap paint. Each of their little butts had " D + R BFF".

Why do I have a feeling these two are going to try to sneak off to the tattoo parlor in a few years?

Leanne over at Cookies,Chaos and Conversations is spotlighting at awesome blogger on her site this week! She's funny, sweet, outragously talented, cool, trendy, and Have I mentioned? Modest??

It's me!! Stop by and check out Leanne's blog... she's really is funny, sweet, talented and cool.

The photo I had to send her is my "were you looking at porn again?" face. I didn't have anything else!! I should have sent a pic of Heidi Klum or something... that would get some new followers!


  1. Now that's funny. Hide that soap paint!

  2. that's so funny...I remember my bff and I used to trade each others shoes and clothes at used to drive our moms beserk!

  3. lol...too funny!! I came home from work a week or so ago, my girls had been home all day (older one babysits). Apparently the olser one had decided to give the younger one a tattoo on her lower back! 9 year old had a "Tramp stamp"! lol

  4. That's just too funny! You gotta love kids! They do the darndest things!

  5. haha! At least it was soap paint and not sharpie!

  6. I've been reading your last few posts....You are funny, girl! I came here from Leann's place.

  7. Perhaps that is why kids don't learn to use a pen until at least 5th grade.

  8. Ah yes, the good old soap paint on the butt cheeks. Tattoos, here they come!

  9. I love my friends but I don't think I would ever tattoo their initials on my butt...they must be close! ;)

  10. I'm pleased to say I don't think I have any friends who are that close!

  11. i read your interview and loved it!

    those two girls sound thick as thieves...and so do their moms! lucky gals... all of you!

  12. Thanks for letting me expose you!

  13. I am off to check you out at Annie's!

  14. My youngest has a friend like that...those two are tight...I'm sure tattoos and heartache are coming my way!

  15. Yep. I think tattoos are a definite possibility.

  16. Gotta love soap paints! Those two girls were 'crack'ing me up!

  17. Kids do the cutest things....sometimes.

    I got your email. My email is acting up. I cannot respond.
    But I did set that up for you on my page. On the right side.



Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.