Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday!

Allright, to those of you who are new.. this is how ya play! I give you a question with two possible answers and you have to pick one! You can't pick neither! Leave a comment with your answers and explanation and leave your link with Mr. Linky to post your own "Would You Rather" questions on your blog! Questions can be serious or silly or just plain gross. It's all for fun!

Now my questions this week:

Would you rather...

have the ability to read other people's thoughts?


or see the future?

And your bonus gross- out question:

Would you rather..

French kiss Dick Cheney for 10 minutes


take a 20 minute bubble bath with Dr. Phil? (and no, sorry ladies., you can't pick both! You little hussies!)

Now, play along with me!


  1. Definately see the future. I am insecure enough knowing my own thoughts, I don't need to deal with everyone else's.

    While both of men give me the chills (and not in the lovey dovey way) I would have to go with Cheney. Dr. Phil really gives me the creeps!

  2. Take a bubble bath with Dr. Phil...not that I am too hapy about that choice..haha

    and man I guess know the future cause I don't want to know what everyone is thinking..haha but neither do i want to know when i am going to

  3. Just found your site from Blog stalkers. What a funny thing you have going on here.

    I'd like to see the future.
    I have enough going on in my own little head.

    And Dr. Phil...he you didn't say we couldn't be in our bathing suits & it would have to be his tub...i'm sure it is larger than mine. Why him? I can't find enough time to kiss my own husband for 20 minutes I couldn't imagine doing it with someone oogy like Cheney.

  4. None of the above. . .next option please! Haha!

    I left you an award darling. . .check out my blog to pick it up and sport it proudly!

    Be Blessed!

    Amy (Honestly)

  5. See the future and gross.....French kiss Dick Cheney for 10 minutes

    You're so funny and I love the bear!

  6. I pick the bubble bath, french kissing Dick Cheney? Gross! Sorry Mrs. Cheney!

    I guess I pick reading people's thoughts--knowing what the future holds would be too much of a burden to bear!

  7. i think read ppls thoughts... i think the future is not set in stone, so how could we tell it!

    ummmmm... thats really kinda gross. i would say neither but if i gotta say... maybe kiss dick cheney, i guess

    oh and my button is sick but im getting it help (i'll letcha know when its good to get) and im about to grab your button!!

  8. See the future and bathe with Dr. Phil. REALLY--french kiss Dick Cheney?! NASTY, NASTY on so many levels!!

  9. Easy!!

    Read peoples thoughts. I've ALWAYS wished I could do that.

    Bubble bath with dr. Phil. I ♥ dr. Phil!!

  10. See into the future, because sometime I tend to be vain. I would rather know now if I need botox or not.

    I guess I could take a bubble bath with Dr. Phil. It's the lesser of 2disgusting evils.

  11. See the future for sure and . . . ewwww, can I wear a bathing suit if I bathe with the doc? Would that count?
    Oh, and I am so grabbing your button - I am all about the buttons these days!! It is too cute!!

  12. Ok I think I would want to see the future, I don't know if I really would want to know what everyone's thoughts were.

    Now, on to the other question I don't like either but I think I could handle the bubble bath with Dr. Phil better than making out with Chaney for 10 mintues. YUCK I think I just threw up....

  13. Wow, I would rather see the future.

    And I find both men repulsive, but I will have to go with Dr. Phil.

  14. i would rather read people's thoughts. or i guess the real answer is i would rather NOT see into the future more than i would NOT like to read people's thoughts. i have pretty much written people off anyway. i am bad about always thinking the worst about people, so it would not surprise me if they were all hatin' on me.

    the future, on the other hand, i am still optimistic about. i don't want to know any different.

    as for the makeout session or bath? ugh... i guess i would have to go with cheney ONLY because i wouldn't have to see him naked.

    and hey, hope you have recovered from the plague. i am now approaching a week with my cold/meningitis

  15. read thoughts- althought that would suck i don't want to know the bad stuff in the future.

    bubble bath

    just cus we be in the same tub don't mean we have to touch! lol! and i'll just have him give me a free therapy session while in there- trust me, he hears my probs and he will be ready to get out. lol!

  16. Read peoples thoughts. I don't want to see the future - too much pressure there.

    I just threw up in my mouth, but I would rather do the bubble bath with Dr Phil, and pray to the bubble bath gods that no bubbles pop.

  17. I'm gonna go with see the future... and kissin' Dick Cheney, but only 'cause the bubble bath with Dr. Phil is longer and he'd be nakeder. That's right, I said nakeder!

    I gave you an Honest Scrap award on my blog. If you don't have the butterfly one -- you can grab it too! Just don't make me go back and change that post it took me for-freakin'-ever!

  18. I just grabbed your button. Very cute!

  19. I would go with the bubble bath with Dr. Phil.

    I think see the future for the other question.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  20. I think I might get into trouble reading other peoples thoughts...if they thought something bad about me I would prbably say something and then Luke would have to come spring me from the clink after the fight. So I guess see the future.

    Dr. Phil and Cheny huh, well after some terrible mental pictures I guess I would have to say bubble bath with Phil, blah.

  21. i would want to read everybody's thoughts. that way i would know for sure whether or not those people across the room are talking about me or not! yes, i'm one of those insecure peeps. i blame it all on those "mean girls" from high school. bitches

    and, crap, what was the other question?? hang on, gotta go look.

    oh, yeah (you're a sick puck)

    i would have to go with the bubble bath. at least i could turn my back on him, let him give me a massage, and pretend it's some hot dude, oops, i mean my hubby. not that i don't think my hubby is hot. well, actually i don't guess i do, but he is a really good person with a nice personality.

  22. See the future. I do not need to know what the salesclerk is thinking about me as I'm trying on my 25th pair of jeans that are probably a size too small for me.

    Do I have to answer that next one? Eeewwwww!!!! Bubble bath with Dr. Phil. In a hot tub big enough for eight and we are wearing out bathing suits!

  23. Ooh, I'd much rather read people's thoughts. I want to leave the future IN the future.

    And my husband is completely anti-Dr. Phil, so I suppose I'll french kiss Dick Cheney!

  24. my button is now fixed! your is so cute, love it!

  25. How fun! I think I'd like to be able to read other people's thoughts and definitely Dr. Phil - with lots and lots of bubbles.

    Have a good day - Kellan

  26. Oooooh I'm so grossed out by the gross-out question. I definitely wish I could see into the future. As gross as bubble-bathing w/Dr Phil would be, there's just no possible way I could french w/Cheney for 10 min.

    I think I just threw up a little bit.

  27. Ppl's thoughts and bubble bath!

    Lol! Good ones!

  28. Read thoughts and take a tubby with Dr. Phil! LOL!

  29. I think see the future. Reading other's thoughts would be totally distracting I think. I can barely keep up with my own thoughts let alone other peoples.

    And TOTALLY GROSS OPTION 2! Yuck! But I guess a bath with Dr. Phil because hopefully it wouldn't involve ANY physical contact. How awkward would that be?

  30. I'd rather see the future and take a bubble bath with Dr. Phil. Sry.Dick Clark really scared me on NYE.

  31. I would much rather read other people's thoughts...seeing the future would make things too boring!

    And Dr. Phil in a bubble bath wouldn't be near as bad as Dick least I could make him Dr. Phil stay on his end of the tub.

    I have an award for you over @ Misadventures in Baby Raising

  32. Well, see the future, of course! I would love to know how my boys lives will be. (especially if Roo will be self-sufficient)

    GAH...fine, if I can't have BOTH old men.... I would say a bubble bath with Dr. Phil...swimsuit's would be mandatory and it would be a REALLY huge tub. Besides, some of the stuff he says really makes me laugh...

    oh..btw-grabbed your BUTTon... ;) you can come grab mine...

  33. I'd rather read people's minds, I think the future could always change. Reading people could prove to be more useful, maybe I could be an interrogator!

    I (ew) would rather (ew) take a bubble bath (ew-ew) with Dr. Phil (erp) - I could at least close my eyes and pretend I'm alone. Shhhh, Phil, don't talk, ok?

  34. Hey!! Where's Mr Linky? I wanna play!

    here's my link for my post

  35. See the future!!! Can you say Mega Million Lotto Jackpot winner?... Duh!

    And both of the gross out options are foul, but at least sucking face with Dick(head) Cheney, lasts 10 mins less than the bath, and I don't have to listen to either Dick or Phil TALK... makes it a total gimme Q...

    New follower, really enjoyed ya...

  36. Let see... I'd much rather be able to read other people's thoughts, fo shizzle. It'd get rid of the 'What the hell is he thinking?' frustration.

    Uh, hmmm, guess I'd take a bubble bath with Dr. Phil. Can I take the bath fully dressed? Ewww, the thought of Dr. Phil naked gives me the heebie jeebies. Gross.

  37. Really, I'm not sure I'd want either. Future, too scary. Thoughts, well, what if no one likes me?

    I would choose Dr. Phil by a MILE! Here are my rules...I get in first, lots of bubbles, close my eyes as Dr. Phil joins in, NO TOUCHING ALOUD. With his lovely wife, I don't think we'd have any footsie problems...hey, maybe he can solve some of my problems. Body issues, anyone?

  38. EWWW. You're so inspiring; I've just finished my post for your next WYRW. Good stuff!!

  39. def read other thoughts and dr phill.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.