Thursday, December 11, 2008

#10 The Other Queen - Phillipa Gregory

Let me start out by saying this.. I adore Phillipa Gregory. She is, by far, one of my all time favorite authors. I love Tudor England and historical fiction. She is the queen of that genre. I have loved every book she has ever written. Seriously. And I loved The Other Queen. But it wasn't my favorite. Not even close.

And it wasn't her writing that didn't do it for me. It was the characters. I just didn't care much for them. The Queen of Scots came off as a petulant brat. (Which maybe she was.) This story takes place during the years she was held captive with the George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury and his wife. The narrative switches between Mary, George and his wife, which is interesting, but can also be confusing in some novels. I think this one would have been better handled in a single person view, Mary's. I think I would have liked her better.

There is not alot of romance, which I didn't really expect, but a little more would have been nice.

I can't give a Phillipa Gregory novel a bad review, so I will say that it just wasn't my favorite. Maybe I am just to biased with my adoration for Queen Elizabeth that I couldn't identify with a story about a traitor to her throne??


  1. oohhhh I love historical novels as well...I will have to try her books out...thanks...

  2. I love her novels too! To be honest though, I can't tell you which ones I've read because they all kind of run together a bit.

  3. To be honest I have never read anything written by her! hmmm might have to save up some money and go get a book or two or five! lol lord knows im running out of things to read here at home!!! I've read my vast collection of novels already....

  4. Is it just me or do you read, like, A LOT?! How quick do you read a book - just curious. DId you take speed reading classes (lol)?

    I love to read too, but I believe you may have me beat!

  5. Thanks for the book review...not what I normally read but I will try anything. What I really love is murder/mystery...James Patterson and Greg Isles. I noticed you had Inkheart on your daughter loves loves loves that book...she is currently reading the third book in that series...Inkdeath...I may try them over the holidays.

  6. I've got one of her novels on my "want to read list..." I am anxious to read it.

  7. Deb- yup, I read.. alot. I am a total book dork, and proud of it. I actually would love to go to school to be a librarian. Hell, I'd be happy working in a bookstore. I read alot at night when hubby and Ros are watching tv. I usually have like 3 books at least.

  8. April - Inkheart is the book that Roslyn and I are currently reading together.. that's why its been on my current reading list for so long!! But it's very good!

  9. i've only read the other boleyn girl and loved i.


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