Monday, December 29, 2008

Google Reader.. I won't be a slave to you!!!

I can't do the blog reader thing. It stresses me out too much. Even before I got backed up on here, I didn't like it. I feel like I am rushing through precious posts and just dropping a quick comment to make it known that I was there. I don't like that. Maybe it's naive of me to think that I can make some true friendships on here, but I like the idea. I feel like if I were doing this in person, as a person spoke, I would be barely listening, just hoping they would hurry up so I can move to the next person in line. I prefer to respond to people as they comment to me and stop in on my friends for good conversations. So, goodbye blog reader. I may take some time responding to some, but I feel I will be more articulate and tuned in if I do it this way. Do you use a reader? Do you feel rushed? I don't want this to feel like a job to me! It's an outlet, a way to make friends, and have good conversations.


  1. Hi Kel,first of all thanks for following me! I totally agree about the reader thing, that's why I have just never got one going. I prefer to take the time to visit my fave blogs and rund down the past few days for them and then comment.

  2. I know what you're saying. It gets overwhelming. My family is starting to resent me and my laptop. Hope to still hear from you from time to time though! :o)

  3. I don't use a reader I just use my dashboard. I enjoy reading through entire posts and then commenting. I'm with you, I like th idea of "friendships" too.

    I am slightly overwhelmed by the number of posts I need to read to get caught back up but I enjoy it so it should be fun.

  4. oooo i like the layout again! nice!

    i don't know what this google reader i don't think i use it!?? lol!! but i do agree w/ you. I have a small blogroll and try to keep it that way so that i CAN pay attention to those people---just sucks that most of them don't seem to notice anymore. ah well...such is life.

  5. I do have a google reader but I never even go there and mess with it...mainly because I have ADD and I'm constantly putting it off to do something else.

    As far as making friends blogging...I really do believe that you can. I have met some of the nicest people through my blog (you included.) So I think you can absolutely make friends here!

  6. Isn't the dashboard following and the Reader the same thing?

    I love my Reader. It actually helps me be a better blog friend. I have A LOT of blogs on there, and I couldn't do it otherwise. I still have time to leave lengthy comments if I choose to.

    I will say that on Christmas Eve, I really only had time to wish everyone a merry Christmas, so I did what I could, and now I'm backing to leaving super witty comments everywhere. :)

  7. I fully understand your dilemma. I do appreciate your stopping by no matter how brief your comments are. Half the time I never know what to say— but I always want to say something… so just be assured I'm not offended by your brevity and will not leave you because of it.

  8. I agree with you 100%, I don't like to feel rushed either and I want to be known in the blogging world as a friend not a "reader thing a ma jig" Hope you have a wonderful New Year!!

  9. I usually use just my dashboard, and I only comment on posts that "speak to me" Okay, that sounds really cheesy, but I'm sure you get the idea.
    Don't feel rushed! That's horrible! I don't expect my bloggy friends to comment every single post (yes I do) (no I don't). If they do, then YAY! If they don't, then I think, Hmm, I guess my bloggy friends are busy! ☺
    I must say when I first read in your post "goodbye blog reader", I didn't see the "reader". I thought you were getting rid of your blog and was like "NOooooo!!!" :P

  10. I couldn't agree more! I have continued to use my google reader..but I think you said it beautifully. I have had those moments when I rush, rush rush to the next post, leaving a comment. But for no good reason, other than to let them know I was there. I have begun to pace myself and try to leave only meaningful comments in my wake. I think you really can tell when someone has read the post and really had something to say, or if they skimmed it and left "their mark". I commend you for doing the better thing. I think true friendships can be made and fostered, if done right.

    The down side to me only commenting when its get these super-uber long comments. Sorry!!

  11. Even though I have Google Reader, I NEVER use it. I tend to use my dashboard when wanting a quick glimpse of newer posts. Other wise, I just use my blogroll to make visits.

    Even without the reader, I feel it can be super easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed. I'm finding it hard, but trying to keep my bloglist to a minimum so I can give each reader a heart felt comment. I also like the idea of making bloggyland friends and not rushing through just to make my presence known.

  12. I use google reader and I would be lost without it. While my laundry piles up and dishes multiply in the sink and beds go unmade I need for my blogs to be organized or I will go nuts! I admit though, after a holiday weekend like this where I was away from the computer, it is a bit overwhelming to see such a huge number in my reader list! But I have to remember that everyone is in the same boat this time of year!

  13. Add me as the latest person to say that I never use my blog reader, just my dashboard :)

  14. well said!!!
    I don;t use a reader, and I try my best to get to as many blogs as I can on any given day, and start new the next day. There are times when I am reading 3 or 4 posts on one blog all on the same day, but at least I am trying to give my all. I never really got the whole reader thing anyways.

  15. I use Google Reader, because I cannot "Follow" people whose blogs are not in Blogger otherwise. Because of my Type-A personality, I feel like I have to keep up sometimes, but then I just shake myself, mark everything as Read, and start over. My closest blogging friends and I keep in touch regularly. I don't think everyone notices if I'm not reading all the time. Your decision is a good one. You have to do what's right for you. :)

  16. i feel the EXACT same way! i don't like the pressure, either. but i am not sure i could be as brave as you... i hate not knowing what i am missing. how sick is that? but i am all for you doing what will keep you sane!

    i agree that the whole blog experience can be easily "cheapened". and i don't like that.

  17. Yes, it can be stressful. I use the reader to stay a bit organized, but if it starts to overwhelm me I just mark all as read and start fresh. I want to do this for the relationships too, not because I "have to" Good post. I love what you said about feeling like people are in line and you're rushing them. So true.

  18. i did a "revised" post you you Kel! LOL!! check it out whenever you get a second!

  19. Hi Kel,
    I use my reader on Tuesdays. That is it, On Tuesdays I make the most comments and use my reader and spend alot of time blogging.
    I appreciate your comments! I understand feeling over whelmed though too!

  20. You're so right! I do feel rushed! Well, I'm not doing it now. I haven't done it during the holiday chaos. I do the you comment, I comment rule too!

  21. I go use my reader! I like it but I hear what you're saying! I am just always afraid I am going to miss something...

  22. Um, yea. Me too. I think last I checked have 800+ unread sitting in my reader. I don't know anymore. I'm too afraid to open it...fearing it might explode.

  23. Don't feel bad I don't do google reader either..I don't follow blogs and all that crap...I tried at first but some people are just too damn boring to keep up with.

  24. I get lost in the blog reader sometimes. Aaaah the stress of it all! ha ha. BTW - I got a little bloggy love for you at my place :)

  25. I get so amazed and in awe of all of you that have more than 5-10 blogs you follow, I only follow 4 (I think) and it's overwhelming at times-- I get a sense of guilt when I can't catch up on everything going on and comment properly on something that I find interesting.

    I was feeling kind of bummed that only 3 people follow my blog and only 2 of them make comments, now I understand why that is--everyone is just on "blog-overload"! :)

    Happy New Year to all!!

  26. amen sister. I started using the reader but I don't prefer it. I like either dashboard or igoogle homepage. If a new post pops up and the title is good, I go there. I love actually being on the blog. I love your comparison of listening to a bunch of people in line... I too am hoping for a few good friends along the way...some like-minded folks to actually converse with....maybe that's naive...we'll see.

  27. Hi--Just getting caught up with your blog and this caught my eye. I have been back and forth about using Google Reader. is more efficient and you can see things faster but it does seem to take the personality away from it. I've realized I can't read every blog I want to every day. It is just impossible. I guess I would rather just take my time and get there when I can and see what has been going on (though Reader is good at letting me do that rather than clicking on other posts). I guess it depends on what kind of mood I'm in and how much time I have. As far as I can tell, I have to click on the blogs to comment and can't do that in Reader so I do end up coming to the blog anyway. And that is something else I've been trying to do -- not comment for the sake of commenting but only commenting if I actually have something to say.

    I've really been struggling with how to use my limited free time to blog in the best way I can. And I do think you can form connections with people via blogging. Some posts just strike a nerve and you feel a sense of connection with that person and that is a good feeling.

  28. I use google reader and one of the things that stresses me like crazy is to check it and see 1000+ new posts. I try not to rush through them though. I have groups, such as must-reads, random faves, if time allows, etc... If I have a little time I always start with my must reads. I never read the posts frmo the reader though, I always click thru to the blog and take my time with it. I hate to miss out on anything one of my bloggy friends has to say, but I am guilty of marking all as read before I actually read everything. I like the unread posts to be a low number.

    Just so you know... you are in my must-read category!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.