Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Favorite Things..(well, those that start with B anyway)

Abby over at Me and My Boys did this yesterday on her blog and I signed up! You have to list 10 of your favorite things, but they have to start with a certain letter (assigned to you by the blog owner) If you want to play along, comment and let me know! I'll assign you a letter!

1. British accents - Roslyn and I can do a mean Cockney accent. Click right HERE for an example.

2. Books!- I can't get enough!! I read four or five at a time.

3. Bookmarks - love pretty ones! Each book has to have their own.. you can't go dog earring books!

4. Bubble baths - yay!

5. Bath and Body Works - Love their stuff!

6. Beaker!! - did you watch the Muppet Christmas Special last night?

7. Barnes and Noble - seriously, if they have the starbucks in there, I could move in

8. Bulldogs - I want one!!

9. Black clogs - Hubby suprised me with a pair of sketchers sweater clogs.. they are soft and furry and yummy. They feel like cozy little sweaters for my feet. I want them in every color!

10. Bread - hot and crusty and warm and smothered with butter. drool

Let me know if you want to play!!!


  1. Good job! I don't think I could have done that!

  2. This sounds life fun! I'll play!

  3. This one is a fun one! and I'm with you I'd move in to B&N with a starbucks...

  4. You did a great job. I just did one similar with the letter z

  5. Thanks for added yourself as a follower - Kristen (something about nothin) and I work together and we were just talking about you yesterday!! I may take you up on the letter thing after Christmas!! Visit often - I'm like you - I LOVE me some comments!!
    Enjoy your season ~

  6. OMG..I could spend hours in a book store..and please share your clogs with me..haha fo real..I love them!

  7. That is a good list. I love Beaker too! I recorded the Christmas special on the DVR last night. THen I watched half and accidentally deleted it. I was so mad! I did get to see Beaker though!

  8. Wow, we have a lot of favorite things in common! Although, I can only handle one book at a time. And I used to work at a Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks in it during college. Working there? Meh. Living there? Now that would be fun!

  9. Great job....lucky you didn't get U or something!!

  10. Completely agree about the bulldog and bread. There's just something about hot, buttered bread when it's snowing buckets outside!

  11. ooooh- you totally made me hungrey with the bread!! and im with ya'll too... id so move into a b&n w/ a starbucks!! lol

  12. Today is Georgie's birthday please go wish her a happy one!

  13. I totally want a french bulldog... SO cute!! (Almost as cute as Dexter, and I LOVED your Teddy Rippedskin song, btw) Actually, I am with you on most of them, except Barnes & Noble.... I prefer Borders (ha! another B)! And bread.... toasted, is the one of the best things in the world, couldn't agree more.

    p.s. Do you do LibraryThing? It is right up your alley and I think you you should check it out.

  14. I'll play along too. WOW! I love lots of stuff you do too. That is so sweet you got some new sketchers clogs!

  15. Barnes and Noble + Starbucks. I love books, and bookstores and just the way books smell. Did I tell you I got 19th wife from the library finally? Now, I gotta find time to read it.

  16. 1. Irish accents are cooler...

    2. I thought i was the only one who read multiple books at once!

    3. Pretty much I use whatever is closest to me for a book mark...

    4. Ehhh... not so much.

    5. I like buying it for the wife... she always appreciates it.

    6. OMG funniest thing in the world. Beaker, Animal and Swedish Chef singing Danny Boy. Look it up on YouTube and have some tissues handy... you'll laugh so hard you cry. Pay close attention to Beaker... he just OWNS that song.

    7. Borders has a coffee shop in it... just sayin'

    8. Butler Bulldogs are pretty good...

    9. I don't wear clogs.

    10. One of the best smells in the world is fresh baked bread.

  17. I did watch the Muppets last night! It was CUTE!

  18. Ok, we have so much in common...
    fun meme I might do this on my blog.

  19. I want in on this! =)

    And I agree with the bookmarks! I hate when people dog ear pages of my books! =[

  20. Collette... it won't let me email you! grrr.. if you want to play.. your letter is D!

  21. I want to play, but I cant do it till tomorrow. Is that ok? If so, I wanna buy a vowel - HAHA. Kidding.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.