Monday, December 8, 2008

My latest obsession - digital scrapbooking


  1. I love digiscrapping!! Someone actually just started a scrap group on my network. be down for a little while tonight ning is doing some updating!

  2. Those are wonderful layouts Kel, great job! I love my digital scrapbooking software!

  3. super cute and yes it looks addicting. I might have to stay away until after Christmas

  4. That looks like so much fun!! Waht are some recommendations to get started?

  5. Ooh...thanks for sharing! Those look awesome. You used scrapblog? I tried this out awhile ago, and honestly, forgot to go back and play around with it. Will have to do that again! I noticed that you can print your digitalscrapbook pages at Shutterfly if you want a hardbound copy :)

  6. OMG! Such sweet pics. You are so crafty - I don't even know what digital scrapbooking is (lol).

  7. I've been meaning to chck out that scrapblog site that you mentioned...I like your pages I should motivate myself to head over there.

  8. CUTE! CUTE! I began digital scrapbooking a few months back and you couldn't pay me enough to switch back to paper and sissors! The possibilities are endless, and if you don't like something, its all easily changed with the click of a button, and no pictures lost or destroyed!

  9. Awesome stuff; you'll be glad you took the time one day...

  10. Those look great! I've got to cash in on the the digital scrapbook gift certificate I got last Christmas!

  11. It's crazy! you so remind me of me. a funnier more awesome me. but still....

    i also played a little blogscrapper - good times.


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