Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Song of the Day - D*ck in a Box

This is offensive.. I'm warning you. Don't watch if you are going to complain that I am crude.. because I am. Not for kids.. I am sure most of you have seen it anyway.. but its funny. And I love it.


  1. That's the funniest thing I have ever seen...and I mean ever!!! (No comments on your crudeness!) Thanks for giving me a laugh cause today I'm at home with two sick girls instead of one...the FUN never ends for me!!!

  2. I love this SNL skit...JT is hilarious, it reminds me of Color Me Bad (You know " I wanna Sex You Up") My Hubby and he co-workers use the step one cut a hole in a box lline all the time at work. Great one, Kel...seriously! :)

  3. I seriously developed a new found love and respect for JT after he did this on SNL. HILARIOUS!!!

  4. oldie but goodie!! love this one! makes me laugh every sinlgle time!!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.