Friday, December 5, 2008

This is why I shouldn't clean!

I was cleaning out some old boxes in the basement and came aross a cd of old photos from years ago when Ros was still a little one. Oh man, bad idea. I got all weepy.. I miss having a baby!! (hubby... if you are reading this.. turn away from the screen). I want another baby!! I am hoping this mania will pass.. but look at what a cute kid hubby and I made... and before you ask, yes, she was a big baby. 9.9 pounds of big baby.


  1. Wow, she was a big baby! But I think those are the cutest!

  2. please say c-section! she was and IS adorable...if i could afford it, I would have another one shortly myself.

  3. I'm feeling your pain. My last one was over nine pounds too!

  4. AWWWWWWWWWW......cute ! I love big fluffy babes!!!

    Check out my blog after 6:00 p.m.!!

  5. I love that picture of her in the towel. I thought you were on the 1 kid team with me ;).

  6. What a little cutie pa tootie!! And she was a big one! I would love another baby too but not gonna happen unless we adopt :)
    happy Friday to ya!

  7. What a big baby!!! My first weighed 8lbs. 3 oz. and I'm only 5'1"...I was ginormous!!! I have three and sometimes I still think about how fun a baby would be.

  8. yup, she was most definitly a c-section.. after about 5 hours of pushing and getting nowhere! grr.

  9. You did make a cute baby!! She's adorable.

  10. Oh my God, she is impossibly cute! That was a huge baby! I thought my first was going to kill me at 9lb 2oz, but you really got put through the paces.

    Thanks again for the blog award. I am FINALLY getting a post up to say a proper thank you today.... I am constantly operating about three days late!

  11. every time i come here it looks different! you are crackin me up! go darker...then you can add the snow effect! lol! All the diff styles are cool though...

  12. Adorable, good luck with getting hubby on board for another baby...

  13. High five to a fellow big baby mama! My youngest was 10lbs 2ounces! She's a cutie!

  14. Oh man I got weepy and she's not mine. Too sweet. I love the one where she appears to be torturing the poor hampster (lol)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.