Monday, December 8, 2008

I've been Bamboozled!!

I'll tell you what.. this six year old of mine knows how to work it. She is home "sick" today. Is she is lying in bed, coughing and sneezing? No. She is up chasing the pug around. She is begging to play Wii. She is giggling like a maniac at the cartoons she usually misses when she is at school. She is ASKING FOR CANDY!! (are you insane, kid?) I just said to her, "you don't seem that sick now."
And do you know what she said?? She actually said "yeah, but you can't change your mind now. You already called the school."


I have been bamboozled, fooled, tricked. She has taken my maternal worries and used them for her benefit. She has suckered me into letting her stay home and watch movies and eat ice cream.

She started with a sore throat last night. And yeah, maybe she has a tickle in there from her allergies, but definitely not worthy of a day home. I can't believe I've been played by a six year old. I have no idea where she gets the conniving nature of hers. When I was a kid, I would never dreamed of faking sick.. at least not until I was ten.


  1. oh wow! That is one smart little girl!

  2. You're a newbie in the "I'm sick mom, I can't go to school today" department. You'll be an expert by the time she's ten!

  3. She totally got you...So does she get to play the Wii or not?!;)

  4. I totally did this when I was a kid too! And now... I'm frightful of all that karma. Do you think karma goes that far back?

  5. Heck I wouldlet her play the Wii just for being brave enough to try and succeed in pulling one over on the "mom"!! lol
    Thanks for stoppoing by...i am folowing you if you don't mind!! :)

  6. ok, so I totally gave in and let her play Wii...I'm such a sucker. (and we got mcdonalds for lunch.... I know.. bad mom!)

  7. Here's how I've always avoided that...Rules for When You Are Home Sick:

    *If you're that sick, you will stay in bed/your room all day. (unless you get better, at which point I'll take you to school.)

    *No TV/Screens of any kind until 3:30pm. (You need your rest; go to bed.)

    That's it. Each kid tested it only once. It works at any age... :)

    Maybe she just needed some Mommy time? I do give my kids one "call in sick day" per year, now that they are in middle/high school and are so responsible. Everyone needs a mental health day now and then!

  8. Oh my goodness no she did not!?! Wow I would have got her dressed and drove her myself.

  9. Oh boy! She is a sneaky little thing! I have some kids that I work with at school that have pulled something similar. Also 6 year olds. Apparently that is the age for getting sneaky!

  10. uh-oh! That's young for the female of the species to be have learned how to use her powers for evil and not just good. uh-oh!

  11. OH, I can only imagine these things happening at my house. My boys are still too young for school..but you can see it in their eyes. I am in for it!!

    P.s. Clicked over from the Blog Stalkers Unite..

  12. Ooohhh that was good! lol Cute blog! Thanks for the follow! :)

  13. She is a sneaky little thing! I like it! :-D

  14. Has she talked you into buying her a convertible for Christmas yet???She learned that game early...must be a genious!

  15. cute story! kids are good! Here from Yaya's blog

  16. Sounds like you've got one smart cookie on your hands!! I used to stick the thermometer up to the light and then shake it til it got down to the appropriate temp... but I don't remember how old I was.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.