Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Thanks everyone for the tips with the eye drops. We do the lie down thing and have her close her eyes. We put the drops in the corner of her eye and tell her to open her eye. It works.. sometimes.
I don't know if the stomache bug and the pink eye are related.. both have been going rampant through her school. I told her this is what "karma" is. She faked sick on Monday and look what happens! She said "How did you know I was faking?"Um... Duh..

So, she's got the day off tommorrow. That's gonna be fun. She is already complaining about being bored. God help me.


  1. So sorry your little one is sick. The stomache bug is going around here too. My youngest had it Saturday and my middle had it yesterday...been home with me for two days...UGH!

  2. Ack! It should clear up fast at least, right?

  3. thanks for hanging out at my blog on occasion!

    good luck getting your family healthy and keeping them that way.

  4. lol the Karma comment was classic. :) I hope she starts feeling better asap!

  5. Oh I do hope she gets to feeling better really soon. It's not fun being sick this time of year!

  6. 4 of my 5 kids had some stomach bug and then (luckily it was only one) got pink eye. And we're talking about some NASTY case. Wonder if it is related. I have her tilt her head back and then I sort of pull her eye open a crack (while she is trying her hardest to keep it closed) and put the drop in. Luckily, she doesn't fight me.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.