Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Song of the Day - Oh, Holy Night - (THE AWESOME VERSION)

The really good stuff starts around 2 minutes in.. give it time.. it's worth it..


  1. What is that picture!?

    Kidding - I'm a kid of 8-track tapes. Sad, really.

    Who the world is that?! Ouch - I think I actually heard some crystal shatter in the other room.


  2. Ha! That sounds like my version:)

  3. Wow didn't know they still made tapes.

  4. I need to know a) How you got this recording of my hubby singing? and b) Why are you making fun of him? He sounds good, no??

    I have never been so happy for anything to be over. Even my colonoscopy was less painful then that..."you know it was...devine"
    Jesus lord.

  5. Oh my goodness. This was so funny! I laughed so hard my stomch hurts. Poor guy, whoever he is.

    Happy WW & thanks for stopping by mine!

  6. That was an unfortunate rendition of "Oh Holy Night," but entertaining none-the-less.

  7. This is my favorite Christmas song (well, not this version). My church did one a few years ago and recorded it, and it's amazing. :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.