Monday, December 1, 2008

#7 Breaking Dawn

Because I am anal, I have to list all the books I read... so this was number 7 since starting this blog. Again, I won't go into detail, because I know some of you are still reading this series. But I will say, "wooo hoo... IT finally happened!" For those of you who have read the book, I am talking about what happens in the beginning.. and at the end. (hmm.. very mysterious, aren't I?)


  1. ooooh I can't wait! I am only on New moon so i have a while!

  2. I just started this one today...I started to actually kind of dislike Bella in the second book so really I am mostly reading for Edward at this point.

  3. Ooooh, very cryptic! I just finished the first one--in 2 days!

  4. I finished it...I have mixed feelings, but I will say that it was way better than the 2nd book. The 2nd book just pissed me off over and over and over. I guess the 3rd kinda pissed me off at time too. Hmmm...

    It doesn't sound like it but I really like the series...I read all 4 books in less than 2 weeks.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.