Tuesday, December 30, 2008

#13 Burning Bright - Tracey Chevalier

If you love historical fiction like me, you have most likely read a Tracey Chevalier novel. Ms. Chevalier has this crazy ability to tell an amazing tale and also throw in a real historical figure in the mix. Her stories are not often particulary about a historical figure but they are in the forground of the story.. a complimenting character, so to speak. If you have seen the movie GIRL WITH THE PEARL EARRING you know what I am talking about.

Burning Bright follows the Kelleway family from a country village to London in the 1700's. The father is a carpenter who gains work with a Philip Astley's circus.The circus charaters are very intriguing but the main story is about a the son, Jem, and his new found friendship with a local girl, Maggie. In true Chevalier style, the Kelleway's neighbor is radical poet William Blake. Again, Philp Astley and William Blake are somewhat minor characters, letting Jem and Maggie take center stage, making them all the more mysterious.

Burning Bright was easy to read and completly enchanting. A ten in my book!


  1. Hi......
    Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''

  2. SOunds like an interesting book! I may just have to check it out.

  3. I love it when books do that! Guest appearances make the story seem so real!

  4. I have kids. When the heck do I have time to read a dang book?!?!

    Sigh. It's been so long... I miss reading something more than 20 pages!

  5. I love historical fiction but I've never heard of her. I'll have to check it out.

  6. Even with the kiddos, I find I still read before bed. And even if I'm SUPER tired, if it's a good one, I'll just keep on a readin'

    Thank you for the recommendation.

    To answer your question, hydrocephalus is a condition where the spinal fluid in the brain is not draining out of the ventricles and into the spine the way it should. So a neurosurgeon gets involved and puts in a valve to correct the problem (a brain shunt). Yup, that's it in a nutshell. Asher really is doing well now, much improved since having his shunt put in. Thank you for asking. Really, I mean that.

  7. You must read like crazy!!! I try to read a couple of books a month, but I got nothing on you!!! Do you sleep?

  8. I read that one over the summer! It was terrific!

  9. I've just finished reading Burning Bright and I didn't fall for it as much as I've enjoyed her other books. Interesting to read your views though.


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