Monday, December 15, 2008

ok, experienced mommies.. I need advice..

I would like to know what you consider to be a fever with your child? Is anything over 99 a fever? Or 100?

I always freak when Ros has a fever. It freaks me out. She has a sore throat now and her temp is 99.5 is that even considered a fever? She's acting fine. The only reason I took her temp is beause she said she was hot and her throat was a little sore. I know if I call the doc, they will say bring her in. They will then throw amoxycillin at me and throw me out. But I don't want her on anitbiotics if it's a virus. They always give us antibiotics. My gut tells me to give a few days, and see if it gets worse.. what do you think? what would you do?

and yes, I am a worrisome mom. That's why I have one kid, I couldn't handle the worry of two!!

ps. what's considered a fever in an adult? just curious...


  1. I myself consider 100 and over a fever. Poor thing, I hope it isn't strep!

  2. Personally, I never started to worry unless it was 101 or over. I would keep her in and keep an eye on her and see how she does over the next day or two. Poor little thing. It's never fun to be sick, but especially not during the holidays!

  3. I say go with your gut. I would wait till 101 and it would have to be a 101 that tylenol or motrin did nothing with.
    they will throw antibiotics at you and too many kids get immune to antibiotics because of that reason.

    hope dhe gets to feeling better soon.

  4. that should be she - not dhe. sorry

    damn typist...

  5. I think it is a mild fever...but a fever is a fever!

  6. It depends on the child. I rushed my son to the ER many times with a fever of a little over 101. My daughter was very sick one time and her fever was only 99.5. The doctor told me that if a child tends to run a high fever, then don't worry unless it's over where it normally runs when they have a fever. For my son I wouldn't worry unless it was over 101 and wouldn't come back down for a few hours. For my daughter, anything over 99 got me concerned.

    I guess it all depends on what their temperature normally is when they run a fever and you don't know that until they have had a few. I know that probably doesn't help much, but that's the scoop. Mine are 16 & 17 and are just fine.


  7. I wouldn't worry too much if it's just 99.5 when it gets up to or over 101 then I would start to get worried.

  8. I wouldn't worry about anything over 101 and even then I wouldn't worry too much up to 104. A fever isn't a bad thing, it the bodies way of fighting off the virus. It is uncomfortable but a fever isn't the problem.

  9. As scary as they may seem, a fever can be a good thing. In a child a fever over 101 and under 104 doesn't warrant much concern. Keep extra close tabs on her if it does spike above 102, but let her ride it out. While alternating between ibuprofen and tylenol at regular intervals (and don't let her get chilled, loose clothing and light blankets, but NO COLD BATHS OR SHOWERS) If your little one becomes less alert or has a seizure (which is REALLY REALLY common when they get to 104) call 911. I know, I probably just scared you even worse, not intentionally. I think being well informed and a little fearful is much better than ignorant and without any sense of what to look for. (my SIL is a registered Nurse, my father an EMT and I used to be a 911 dispatcher, I've seen these things.)

  10. I begin to worry at about 100.8. I never give anything for less except maybe a bath.

  11. I agree with "Me" everything she said was right.

    A child with no health problems is not considered to have a fever unless they are over 102.5. It's not recommended to give any meds until they reach that point either - because a fever is a good thing. The heat in the body is what kills of viruses.

    I was the same way at first - no worries!
    How old is your daughter though? I know with young babies (like 6mo and under) it's lower... but I can't remember that number.

  12. I'd also wait until 101. Motrin and Tylenol every other time seem to do the trick for lots of people!!! I can't remember the exact dosage, but it's one every two hours then the other one hour after that, or something like that. Anyone else remember how it goes???

  13. If it is under 100 I don't call it a fever. Also I don't start worrying until it is over 100.5. I would just keep an eye on her. If she is acting fine, then I would take her word for it. I can always tell when my kids are sick cause they mope around the house and whine. If she was running around she could have been hot from the activity level too, or if she was sleeping right before you took her temp, that can elevate it too.

  14. Not to scare you, but my daughter ran only 99.5 for days, a few weeks ago. Since I've been "mommy-ing" over 10 years, I let it go, just thinking it was some virus. It ended up being strep, and that led into pneumonia. If she has a mild fever AND a sore throat, then I'd get her checked. Strep is running rampant, and it can lead to rheumatic fever if left untreated. Hope she feels better!
    BTW, love your blog - I found you from Janel's! :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.