Sunday, December 7, 2008

#9 The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff

I am sure I am going to get attacked for this, but I find polygamy fascinating. I'm not saying I condone it any way, but I find it a very compelling subject. The whole way of life is just so foreign to me. I don't believe in it or condone it. I swear. I am not saying it's cool, or great or amazing... I'm just saying it makes for an interesting read.

The 19th Wife is really two stories in one. It tells the tale of Ann Eliza Young, one of Bringham Young's wives who eventually left the Firsts and went on to protest polygamy and Bringham Young himself. Tied in with this first story is the plight of Jordan, a modern day gay man who was excommunicated from the Firsts (a lost boy) who returns back to the community to solve the mystery of his father's death. His mother (one 20+ wives) is accused of the crime.

Like I said, I find their way of living fascinating.. in the same way I would find a car crash fascinating. It's ugly and you want to look away, but can't.

I guess I would give this book a 7 out of 10. It was good, not great. But it did have a nice little surprise at the end that I never really saw coming. If you are looking for a novel about a subject not often written about it, give it a try.


  1. Interesting. I'm curious about how it talks about polygamy. I'm Mormon, but we haven't practiced polygamy for over a hundred years. Yet, I still get asked about it all the time.

    But polygamy is fascinating. I work with at-risk youth, in Utah, and we have several clients who come from polygamist families. Wow, they are really screwed up, most of the time.

  2. I too am intrigued by this topic. Well, I am always intrested in things I don't know much about!
    Adding this book to my list, and adding you to my book blog roll over at Crazy Book Slut

  3. I was thinking about how interesting serial killers are in a weird way when you were saying that you thought polygamy was interesting...I get ya, I'm pickin' up what your layin' down.

  4. This book is actually in my public library queue and Amazon Wish List! Similar taste huh? Yep, sounds intriguing.

  5. Thanks Tena! I love your Book Slut site! I am a slut and I am proud!

  6. Kristina - Good for you working with at risk kids.. It sounds like rewarding work.

  7. Catherine - you crack me up.. my husband says "are you picking up what I'm laying down?" all the time!

  8. Noob - is you amazon wish list a mile long like mine?

  9. Interesting! I'm kind of semi-obsessed with mormons and the FLDS myself, so this totally intrigues me. I'll look it up -- thanks!

  10. Have you ever seen Big Love? Love it!!! I bet I would like this book!


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