Saturday, December 6, 2008

I think I'm done..

Ok, I think I am done with the renovations on my site... what do you think? Is my header corny? I made it myself (smiling proudly). I've discovered digital scrapbooking and my life will never be the same. Is my site easy to read? Anything weird you've encountered with it? Let me know and I will try not to be insulted.. (kidding).. I'm sure it will only sting for a second.


  1. Looks awesome, you did good, Kel! This old lady needs to get up to speed with you young-uns. I'm still using an old blogger template! Was it hard to do? I think it's about time I lower myself and ask my 12 year old to help me get with the times.

  2. I love love love your makeover! You are so very super talented! Was it hard? Do you think I could learn to do it?

  3. Thanks girls!
    its so easy!! I am now hooked on digital scrapbooking! You can do it at you load up your photos from photobucket(or wherever) and you can just play al day on there!!! Love it! No more cutting and pasting scrapbook pages for me anymore! I going digital! and best of all you can order hardbound books with your pages in them!! I am so addicted already!

  4. i've tried the scrapblog thing, it's FUN! i just don't have alot of time to get all into it...but i DO like your new look!

  5. Thanks for the scrapblog tip, I am going to go check that out now. Your header looks good.

    I was just over at jays and noticed your can see a list of your followers from your dashboard too. In the top right, just above where you can click on layout and view blog and such it says 32 followers (of how ever many you have). Click on that and it lists all of your followers for you to see, from newest to oldest (I think). Hope that helps!

  6. Oh awesome!! that makes sense! thanks!!

  7. Looks great in here! I'm a physical/tactile scrapbooker, I know if I start doing it digitally i'll waste the $$$$ i've spent on all my supplies, and I can only handle one online addiction at a time!

    You did a fab job!

  8. I love it! You did a terrific job!

  9. I love it! Very festive and great colors. Well done!

  10. I love it! You did a great job. I am very clueless about all this blogging/layout stuff. I am working on putting a new background on my page. I can't figure it out!

  11. I think the header looks great!

    How cool! You know, I never thought of digital scrapbooking! I'm going to go check it out right now! I never really got into real scrap booking but I can totally see myself getting into digital scrapbooking. Thank you so much for the tip!

  12. I love paper scrapbooking too, but I don't have alot of space to spread out my stuff, you know? And I sure as heck don't have alot of space to store it! I am really enjoying the digital versions.. although you don't get the dimensional effect that you get with paper scrapbooking!

  13. Love the blog!

    I have had a gift certificate for a digital scrapbook place for a year now! I've got to check it out.

    By the way, I left you a present on my blog. : )

  14. I've got to figure out how to do the header plate...any good ideas....

  15. super cute! I like it you did a 'smashing' job.

  16. I love it...I saw this background, looks great!! I want to make 3 columns on mine but can't seem to get it to work out correctly?

  17. Site looks great to me!! You have a crafty side, no?

  18. The header rocks, Kel, and I have no trouble at all reading your site. Thanks for asking! :)

  19. Your blog is so festive! I love the snowman in the background!


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