Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Song of the Day - I want a hippopatamus for christmas

we love this song at our house!
And don't forget to check Song of the Day on the sidebar.. it's my boyfriends The Kings of Leon new single.


  1. we love that song at our house too...

  2. Thanks for sharing your interesting musical taste...I love it!

  3. LOL - What a trip! I've never heard that song!!!! Loved it!!!!

  4. PS - Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!!! =)

  5. I haven't heard that one before.

    Ona side note, I'm lovin' the background music...keep it coming.

  6. That is a cute song...I like the video with it

  7. Oh last year Elmo had a Xmas special and they did a remake of that with Snuffalupagus and I heard that song for 3 months after!!!

  8. I haven't heard this song in YEARS! In fact, I think I had forgotten about it! Oh the memories, thanks for bringing them back!

  9. that's TOTALLY my favorite Christmas song! I love it! Hey thanks for following my blog!

  10. My Christmas song o' the day is "Love on Layaway" by Gloria Estefan...

    Santa bring, on your sleigh, just for me this holiday
    The one I want and make my dreams come true
    I'll be good every day, I'll put some love on layaway
    And spend it all this Christmas on you
    La la la la la la la la la la lay
    Gonna put some love on layaway for you
    La la la la la la la la la la lay
    Gonna spend it all this Christmas on you

  11. I had to limit my kids listening to this down to twice a week. they've been begging to hear it daily...for the past 4 MONTHS. I swear, if I hear it one more time I'm going to have a seisure. (it is cute though, and I loved listening to it as a little girl!)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.