Saturday, December 6, 2008

Twice In One Week?

Really, it should say "Honest Crap".... anyhoo...Soxy Deb tagged me for this... and really, Deb, was the ass slap neccessary? A simple tap on the shoulder would have sufficed..

So here are the rules:
1. Show it on your blog
2. Tag seven others to partake in the fun times.(link them on here and comment to let them know they have been ass slapped.)
3. List ten random things about yourself.

So first of all, here are my ten things in no particular order:

1. I am very, very squeamish. I pass out at the mere mention of blood, or needles, or hospitals or doctors.. oh God, why is the floor moving closer to my face?

2. Most people think I am shy when first meeting me, but I'm not. I am quietly surveying the situation for possible things I can make fun of in my blog.

3. I love dogs. We have two. I want more. I want a boston terrier and I want another pug. And a bulldog. And a Great Dane.

4. The other night I had a dream that hubby and I were the parents of the Jonas Brothers. But we couldn't remember their names. We just called them 1,2 and three.. And we lost number two at the mall.

5. Nothing irks me more than when you lose something and someone says "well, where is the last place you had it?" um, Duh! If I knew that, it wouldn't be lost.

6. I hate scary movies. Hate them, with a passion. I am nervous enough as it is.

7. We have a two bedroom house, and I really don't want a bigger one. It would mean more cleaning.. and that is not fun.

8. I haven't worked in two weeks and it feels weird.

9. I can crochet. I know a few stitches but I have only made scraves and blankets. I want to teach myself more.

10. I like inappropriate Christmas jokes.. like this one..
Why doesn't Santa have any children ?
Because he only comes once a year, and when he does, it's down the chimney.

And now.. It's time to play tag! You're it!
1. Kristina P
2. Jaime
3. Jam
4. The Heckathorns
5. Raina
6. Sass
7. Keli


  1. Tuesday. I'll do this TUESDAY. ;)

    And by the way...I really, really, REALLY like the new look. I wish I could figure out how to do my own.

  2. I will love to pass this on, but you know i have no one to send it too, right? I mean...the few people i have on my bloglist have gotten this already- or right now from you! It's like i just can't win, cuz I've read these and I wanted to do one...but then I don't have SEVEN people to pass it on to- sigh. now i feel like a loser. lol!

  3. pass it on to whoever you want... or do it and just say.."anyone who reads this is invited to grab it pass it on" thats what i do sometimes! and you are most definitly not a loser!

  4. Oh, Kel! Thanks for the tag! I have to be honest, I don't know when I will get to it. I am not remotely kidding when I say I have 30 outstanding tags, and the second one today! Ack!

    My husband wants an English Bulldog like you wouldn't believe!

  5. :) I don't know if the Hubs will appreciate someone slapping my ass, but thanks! ;) HAHA! ♥

  6. I haven't worked in 5 years in it feels...wonderful! And I love dogs too--wish I had a whole backyard full of sibes:)

  7. Oopsie!! Did I mistake you for someone else? I thought you liked having your ass whacked. My bad... (heh)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.