Friday, December 19, 2008

Freakin' Funny Friday!

Did you hear a great joke this week? Found comedy gold on Youtube? Got a funny post on your blog? Add your link here and share it (and promote your blog) with the world! Nothing is off limits.. have fun and make us laugh! I'm gonna start with the Grape Lady who you have all probably seen before but it makes me laugh every single time..

And I will also post my daughter's current favorite video... shopping penguin!

Add you link and share some laughs!


  1. I found some crazy amazing houses lit up and singing for Christmas.
    The Grape lady made me laugh too!

  2. Robot Chicken Star Wars!

  3. I added Christmas Vacation to mine I think it's the funniest Christmas movie ever!!!

  4. Oh, I love silliness. I was thinking about doing something similar soon there has been a lot of funny goin' on lately!

  5. OMG! That poor she's okay now.

    My 7 yr old LOVED the shopping penguin!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.