Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Time to Get Down To Business..

Crap. I have to get going on this whole "full time homemaker" role. I am so not into it. I know I should be. I used to dream about being a stay at home mom. For those of you who are new, I quit my full time work at home job a few weeks ago. So, for six years, I have had the excuse of "I worked all day! I don't have to bake and cook and clean." Now, I am doing an ebay business with my mom, and that's it. I have got to get this house in order.

The house is not disgusting.. it's just blah. We have never decorated. (white walls.. blinds not curtains... etc.) I mean, we can have people over but lets just hope that they don't look to hard at the moldings or the ceiling fans because they're dusty! And the kitchen floor, God help me. We've got two dogs who constantly come in and out of the doggie door with muddy feet.

As for cooking, I used to love it. But now...eh. I need to get into healthier cooking. Maybe I will invest in some new equipment and healthy cookbooks.

I need to make homemaking my job. I need to set goals for home. I gotta get off my ass. I'm busy during the day.. but there is so much more I could get done.
I am thinking of doing flylady. Does anyone here do it? I am the type of person who needs to set goals and work towards them or I get bored. Does anyone stay home with school age kids? Do you have a routine that you do everyday when they are at school?


  1. I am not a Mom, but I have the same roles. I am a Graphic Designer and work from home. I go back and forth with jobs dealing with small business/retail managment. Right now I am only doing freelance work from home, though.

    We have four pets and it's my fiancee and I. I cook and clean and deal with our pet children. I was lazy there for a while.

    One day my fiance came home and he was smiling. He said the house looked amazing and smelled wonderful. That did it for me. My job is to be the best house wifey to him, who actually does work all day. Men will often say they don't really care as long as the house is technically clean, but they like it when it is nice and smells good too.

    I literally have a schedule. I even plan meals out, because we do eat very healthy and only eat food we cook. I do laundry on Sunday and Wednesday. I clean the kitchen, bedroom, and living room on Tuesday. I do the bathroom, mop, sweep, and vacuum on Wednesday. I do all of the messy stuff on Wednesday since I do laundry that day. So, if I use towels or anything to clean, they can be washed.

    The only things Scott does is trash and the cat litter. He has to do trash like everyday, but on Sundays before he takes it outside I clean the fridge.

    If I didn't do things like that, I would get lazy again. So, I made that schedule and I've been doing it forever now.

  2. I stay at home and I suck at it. The laundry is never caught up, there are dishes always in the sink, I usually dont shower until mid afternoon at quiet time. I still have 3 at home and 1 in school. the twins have preschool 2 days a week for only 3 hours. so maybe that is why I suck at it. I am really not at home getting stuff done...cause they are here. I get side tracked very easy too.....I'm rambling. I have not yet had coffee today and its a snow day...yep they are all home. I think that I will be locking my self in the bathroom today for peace and quiet!

  3. I work, I stay home, I work, I stay home. I get bored easily. Especially when winter in Kansas kits! :) I still have a 3 yo home, though! I need to do something PT which I think wold be well suited for myself!

  4. When I stayed at home, the house looked worse (and it doesn't look great now) I hope you get some advice on how to make the day more interesting!

  5. I definitely felt adrift for the first couple years of stay at home mommyhood. It is strange to suddenly have the day wide open ahead of you and no discernible goals aside from the ambiguous "care for child" and self, but to a lesser degree.... I wasn't happy in the roll until I decided that me being happy was a first priority and then I'd be better for the kids and hubby. So I joined a gym and worked out (with the kid in the gym's kid-care) most mornings and then spent time playing with baby, planning and cooking dinner, and surfing the internet. Finding a great playgroup was integral, too....

  6. Mmmmm.... I used to be so much better at the mom thing before I started my darn tootin' blog! Truly, I would rather blog than clean a toilet. Is that soooo wrong?

    Sorry, no help here..... Hee, hee!

  7. I sort of have a "weekly cleaning schedule," it doesn't always happen that way though. Every morning a write a to do list, I enjoy crossing things off the list and I forget things if I don't write them down so that helps. I have Monkey home with me everyday and I watch a 20 month old girl 3 days a week so my days are a little unpredictable, but I try.

    I cook dinner everyday, but thats mostly because I love to cook.

    Wow I just read through my comment and it sounds like I actually get things done, which is not really that accurate but I try!

  8. Girl you need to email me (svrmomof6 (at) yahoo) There are groups of moms like us who meet in conferences during the day or even at night depending on your schedule. Wee chat for about 10 minutes online and then get our booties to work on our homes and report back in on the top and bottom of the hours with what we have accomplished.

    It's a lot of fun and really make the cleaning go by faster. Hey...everyone HAS to clean right. Why not make it a little fun?

  9. I am a mom of three! 9year old boy 8 year old girl and 3 year old girl! thanks for the visit....I will be back...
    oh and good luck with the home maker thing! it gets easeir I promise!

  10. I'm pretty sure it's time to redefine homemaker. I don't like being a slave to my "stuff." I think that being a stay-at-home-mom is more about the time you spend with your children rather than the amount of cleaning you get done. :)

  11. I've done flylady, and I find that it does help if you follow it. I'm working full time right now while my husband is home, and flylaid he ain't! A friend of mine does it religiously and her house is always in order. I think it's worth trying to see if it's for you. Good luck! And enjoy being your own boss -- I miss that!

  12. Do you LIKE to clean? Then, hey, by all means be a flylady. I'd rather read, or craft, or READ.

    My house looked worse when I was a SAHM. Everything you pick up gets put back on the floor 3 seconds later.

    It still looks pretty bad, but in 5 years they children will be gone and I'll have to rest of my life to have a neat house.

    Extreme Cards and Papercrafting

  13. I'm a nanny and here's my routine:

    Kids up, fed, potty, dressed, teeth, hair, off to school for some.

    Read books, play, etc then baby down to nap, or out to do something, errands, etc.

    Pick up kids from preschool, home for lunch, read, play etc. Down for nap or rest time. This is the critical part. No matter how old the kids are-they do 'rest time'-up in their room for an hour. i don't care if they are sleeping or not, they can read to themselves, play quietly, etc, as long as I can get stuff done. This is when i do laundry, dishes, clean up, dinner prep, etc.

    Good luck finding a routine that works!

  14. KEL!!!!!!!!! I AM HERE!!!!!!!

    i have to do a post about my horrific problems w/ my DSL and Verizon. FUCK Verizon is all i gots to say...stay tuned. I'm sure i've lost the 5 people that would come to read my blog thanks to my internet being down too...i'm so happy i fixed it NO THANKS TO THE TECH PEOPLE! thanks for checkin in on me too...i couldn't get on here via cell phone, only facebook and my email- i should totally get your email btw...

  15. I used to be a SAHM and loved it, now I have been back to work full time for 2 years and miss it terribly. My house is never clean I am always doing landry and I feel as if I have no extra time.

  16. We must UNITE! I'm totally there with you. : )

  17. I am totally with you! I need to be better at cleaning my house, cooking, etc. I don't even have kids and my house sometimes gets to be a disaster! Let me know if flylady works for you.

  18. Your hose sounds like mine- except minus the dogs. lol. But for the past three years I have used the excuse- this is only temporary until we buy another house. In a few short months I won't have that excuse any more- but I'm looking forward to it!

  19. I have help with my house twice a week...but with three kids it still takes a ton of work from me...I wash every day and I also do at least half of the yardwork on our 13 acres. I have been a little slack lately...possibly because of the blogging. I absolutely must get on a schedule for the new year.

  20. I wouldn't stress too much. I've been a SAHM for gosh, 8 years now and finally learned to relax a bit. just because we stay home doesn't mean our homes are any less dust free. lol

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love new blog friends!!

    I have a 9, 6 and 3 year old. We get up at 7:00am, the older 2 have to be at school by 8:10am, I come home to either unload the dishwasher, vacuum or start a load of laundry. By then it is time to pick up #2 from Kindergarten. Next thing I know it's time to make lunch. Then more cleaning and laundry. Then time to pick uo #1 from school. Then homework and time to cook dinner.

    HONESTLY--most days I feel like all I have accomplished is taxi driving and making meals. Don't feel bad--that's just the way it is!!

  22. I have checked out the flylady! It is interesting but BUSY!

  23. I work from home.. becuz if all i did was cook clean and take care of the dogs i would be bored out of my mind... but becuz im home for 12-14 hours alone a day i split my time up between working and cleaning... for a few hours i wokr then get up an do the dishes.. wokr some more get up and dust... it wokrs out well for me :)

  24. Ooooooh, do I have a routine - 16 years of fixing, making, perfecting ... my routine. It's no fun - stay away from the routine, at least as much as you can. Wing it! No - I guess that's not good advise either. I just get very tired sometimes of my same ol' routine.

    Have a good week - Kellan

  25. I have to get going this week too! With all the holiday stuff going on (school parties, shopping) I haven't grocery shopped in two weeks! :X)

  26. I wish I could offer some advise. I am still using the excuse that I am working (even though it is from home). I think I'm in the habit now of looking 'past' all the clutter/dust. Like you, I don't live in filth, just clutter.

  27. Not a stay at home Mom here, I work full time outside of the home, but I can imagine that you will be just as busy as a working Mom. My hubby and I ebay also. Not too big into it just yet, but wouldn't it be nice to get to where you can live quite comfortably on ebay.

  28. hi! thx for following my blog! i'm gonna become your groupie, too!

    i have used flylady.com & it's a neat idea, i'm just not disciplined enough to keep following the rules. maybe someday life will calm down :) i'm definetly not house wifey material, either, but i am learning not to beat myself up over dust & dishes piling up in the sink. luckily, i have two great sons who help with household chores & my hubby never complains. i mean, NEVER! and he will comment if things are looking good.

    as long as the kids are wll cared for & (somewhat) happy you are doing your job.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.