Thursday, December 18, 2008

#11 Love The One You're With by Emily Giffin

I have heard this book being touted as "chick lit", but I don't know if that title quite fits. This book is smarter than that.Love the One You're With is what I would call "contemporary romance". A lot of chick lit has an idiot heroine that you just want to smack sometimes.. and just plain silly circumstances that would never happen in real life. (really.. the whole fake fiance thing and falling in love with your best friend is so played out.)Ellen, the main character of this book, has a level head on her shoulders. She's a regular girl. She's a newlywed and life is going great.. until she passes her ex on a New York City street. Leo is the one that got away years ago and she tried desperately to forgot. And now, he's back. Can she resist him this time? Is her new marriage strong enough to survive such a strain?

This book is not heavy reading, it's not intellectual and it's not high brow literature.. but it's good anyway! I've been reading some heavier stuff lately and I really enjoyed reading something lighter. I am going to add the rest of Emily Giffin's book to my ever-growing wish list.


  1. Thanks for posting this... I need a new, good book to read... that's not too heavy on the brain. =) I'll definitely check it out! Thanks again!

  2. I've read something borrowed and something blue by her and I've enjoyed each one. Thanks for the review...I'll have to add it to my list!

    Found your blog from Spoiled Mommy - you signed your comment like I do...enjoyed your blog!

  3. I read this one and her previous books as well. I like her style...its easy to read. Lately I have been enjoying books that are easy to stop and star since Monkey is on the go so much I don't always have a chunk of time to read.

  4. Great! I might just give this one a try! I'm always looking for book reviews thanks!

    Plus is your name Kelly? Just asking because that's my name but people call me Kel so it's funny to see kel said... in my comments!

  5. I'm thinking this book looks good for my trip to the in-laws next week. Though it may be too short to get me through the entire week! I've always liked this author.

    My best friend in high school was named Carolyn but went by kel. You remind me of her!

  6. This sounds like a book I would love!! I'll have to get it after I finish up the Twilight Saga!
    You have a tag waiting for you at my blog
    Hope you come check it out!!

  7. I love reading but with 4 kids the thought of peeing by myself is far fetched I can't even begin to imagine having the time to read a book. But I might actually check this one out...I've spent the past 4 months reading Medical Language books for school so reading a book that doesn't require me to think would be nice!

  8. I'm glad to know it's good! I finished reading Baby Proof by Emily earlier this month - and was anxious to buy this one. I've been waiting though since I've got a stack of library books that need to be read and returned ASAP! :) Anyway, I'm glad to know you liked it. Have you read any of her others??

  9. Sounds liek the kind of book i would like, i will have to check it out...thanks!

  10. sounds like a fun, easy read. the only chance i get to pick up a book is when i go to bed... anything too taxing on the brain puts me right to sleep. thanks for the tip!

  11. Sounds like a good book. Sometimes I just want to read the light stuff too. I'll have to look for this one.

    P.S. Thank you for continuing to visit me during this past week, when I was without power. I am so happy to be home now! Thanks for all your nice comments :)

  12. I love Emily Giffin, did I say I love her? I read this one and thought it was great but I think I like her something borrowed and something blue a little better! But it was a great read, can't wait for a new one to come out, I just hate waiting so long.

  13. Yup, I like a good-light-quick read sometimes too!

  14. I'm going to have to add this to my "to read" list!


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