Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ahhh!! I'm Overwhelmed!

I am completly behind on reading and responding to all my favorite blogs. We have been battling illness after illness around here, (finally winning, I think) and Hubby is on vacation for a week. I've got to catch up, but it's gonna take some time! Bear with me, folks, and we will be back to original programming shortly!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Um...hmmmm.. Okay, if I could, I'd delete that insane comment for you, Kel. As for the subject of your post, do yourself a favor and just clear your reader; wipe the slate clean and breathe easy :) But don't forget to come to my blog on Monday, cuz you're getting an award :)

  3. I know the feeling of an overflowing reader well. When I was gone for a week when we were moving into the new house I came back to a reader which I was never going to make a dent in, I just decided to start on the day I came back and not worry about what I had missed. Hope everyone at your place feels better soon.

  4. Yeah, I feel ya. No illness here, but suffering from Christmas holiday syndrome. You know, the wind up for the holidays, the lull before New years. All my days are blending together and I haven't had much time to catch up on other blogs. Gasp!

  5. I know what you mean! it's so hard to catch up sometimes... Good luck with the illnesses!

  6. Its funny how a full reader can add to ones stress..I know I get over-whelmed. Don't let it get to you though....we will all be here when you are caught up.

  7. I fear the day that I'm going to be gone for a week on vacation. Luckily I'm home the next few days to catch up on my favorite posts.

    Get well soon and have a great New Year.

  8. I completely understand! On Christmas Eve, the day I was traveling and visiting my inlaws, I get back to the hotel and had 180 blogs on it. From one day!!

    I agree about just sort of wiping the slate clean.

    Take some time to get better!

  9. This the busy season. They say March is the boring laid back month. Bring it on.

  10. I feel like this every other day! I agree with Mrs4444, clear your reader and go from there! *hug* hope you are feeling better!

  11. I so know what you mean. Been there and done that, and often I might add. But hey, take your time. Nobody's going anywhere. If you know what I mean.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.