Thursday, December 11, 2008

Background music...

I am going to feature a new background song everyday. Why? Because I am weird. That's why. And I want you all to know how awesome my musical tastes are.

Today's song is ingrid michaelson's The Way I Am. I love her. She's my latest girl crush.


  1. I am not usually a fan of music on blogs but I like your tastes so a will keep my speakers on for you. I love this song by the way.

  2. you know.. you're right.. I'm not always a fan. I am going to make it a "click to play" instead of automatically loading when you go to my page.

  3. I love the sweater song! or as my wife calls it... the rogain song...

  4. I must be weird, I like it when I go to someone's page and they're playing music they enjoy..that's how I've 'discovered' a new artist to listen to that I would have never heard of one more than one occasion...


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.