Monday, December 1, 2008

I saw it...

Last night Hubby and I went to see Twilight. I'm gonna get beat up for this, but.... I didn't like it that much. I should know better than to go see a movie version of a book that I loved. They never look the way I imagined them in my head. I like the choice of Robert Pattison for Edward.. but something just wasn't right. The Jasper character was just plain weird. Oddly enough, Bella was just like I imagined!

I don't know why I didn't like it, I just didn't. Does that make sense? I wish they would have shown more of Edward and Bella's relationship, instead of just drawn out "staring" scenes. It was creepy.

So, go ahead.. yell at me. I love the Twilight books, but the movie.. not so much.


  1. I saw an interview on The Today Show with Robert Pattison and the chick that plays Bella (Kristen Stewart?) and I wasn't a big fan of her, although she looked I pictured Bella to look, she had this attitude like she was so much better than all the Twilight hoopla...kind of snooty.

    I usually don't like movies of books I have previously read but I have been thinking about going to see Twilight. Hmmm, maybe not now though.

  2. oh yea.. every Kristin Stewart interview I have seen she seems kinda "above it all".

  3. Hi! I gave you 2 awards and tagged you. Swing by my blog to get them!

  4. I saw it on Friday. Hilarious! Unintentionally, of course. I will be posting my review tomorrow.

    Oh, and I can't get past Pattinson. I think he is so unattractive! Bella was fine.

  5. Thanks for a real Twilight review! I have still not seen it...maybe I'll just catch it on DVD.

  6. Mmmmm.... Haven't seen it yet. But I agree, movie versions are usually never as good as the book. My sister and I are making my mom read Twilight then we are all going to go see it (hopefully) this weekend. Or maybe like April we will wait for the DVD and have a "home" Twilight screening.

  7. I think I will be lucky to finally have read the book by the DVD launch. I know as soon as I pick it up I will be into it, but it sits on my shelf. Waiting, waiting....

  8. I am new to your blog and just have to tell you I love it and am going to be a stalker lol. I have not read the books or seen the movie so please don't yell at me....I am going to read the books a friend is going to let me borrow them.

  9. i wasn't that impressed w/ the movie either. carlise and jasper were creepy; the meadow scene and any of the other sci-fi effects were horrible. really? running through the trees that's the best the hollywood magic makers could come up w/? bleh.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.