Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments?

I haven't done this in awhile.. so here goes:

The Hubster is sick, sick, sick. Poor guy looked like hell last night but he got up and went to work today. I wish he would just stay home and stay in bed!

I still haven't bought gifts for my parents or my brother and his wife. They all said they wanted gift cards, so...

Hubby brought me home the other pair of sketchers clogs I wanted! Here they are. I've got dark brown and black.. and they are deliciously warm! yay for hubbies!

Ros busted open her lip yesterday at school. They were playing a game where they have to put their head down really fast on the desk and she smashed her lip into her teeth. And there was blood.. lots of blood. Thank goodness she did better than I would have. I faint at the thought of blood!

This weekend is baking weekend... urgh.. not into it this year.. But I'll fake it for Ros!

If you want to play along, go to Half Past Kissing Time!


  1. Thanks for stopping by!

    Frick busted his lip the other night and there was a ton of blood, too. For whatever reason, the mouth BLEEDS! :)

  2. Poor Ros I hope her lip is better! I am a big procrastinator and still have not finished my shopping!!!

  3. That does not sounds like a GOOD game. I forsee lot's of bumps and bruises!

  4. This sounds like an eventful week! I hope everyone gets better and heals soon!

  5. Oooh. Those clogs look cozy AND cute! And what a bummer on the lip injury; I bashed my mouth like that (12 stitches!) at the age of five. I hope she's okay :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.