Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tweet Tweet!!

I am now twittering!! Check me out.. I have joined the rest of the world.. next stop, Facebook!
My twitter name is girlinglasses

I added the gadgety thing on my sidebar too!


  1. I'm on twitter to... still getting the hang of it! I believe that you are following me on twitter if i'm not mistaken! Good luck with facebook...I'm still trying to figure that one out at well!

  2. Enjoy! I hear it is addictive but i still haven't gotten toooooo into it!

  3. Oh dear-maybe I should start back up w/ twitter. I used to do it when I first started blogging but got so annoyed by it bc it was always having 'technical difficulties'...has it gotten better?

  4. I use it too. Not as much as I used to. I'll follow you as soon as I get home. (still no electricity & I don't know my Twitter password on the computer I'm using now)

  5. Twitterific! I am on there to..we will have to find each other and give a tweet out!

    I am glad you like my blog. Feel free to make yourself at home, grab a cold one fromt eh frig...and we pass pills at 10 don't be LATE!

  6. Someone really needs to teach me how to twitter. I still haven't figured it out.
    And thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  7. I used to be on twitter religiously, but there was never anyone on that I knew. So I would end up talking to myself all the time - lol.

    I find myself mostly just IM'ing on Yahoo.

  8. Hey, thanks for following me on Twitter!
    And thanks for entering my give away @!! :) Good luck! Remember if you blog about it, it'll give you an extra two entries! :)

  9. Stopping through by way of Blog Stalkers Unite.

    I love Lenka on your song of the day!

  10. Looking forward to Tweeting with you!

    I still have not jumped in on looks so complicated.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.