Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday..........Play Along!

Would you rather.........

Have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?

Live without music or tv?

and bonus gross out, immature question....

Would you rather be Paris Hilton, or clean a public restroom with your bare hands?

Play along! Post your answers and then post your own Would You Rather Question on your own blog!


  1. Beautiful house and ugly car
    Live without music
    Be Paris Hilton if I could act like me...if not then clean a public restroom with your bare hands

    This is so cute I'll play once I come up with a Would you rather

  2. Wouldn't being paris hilton be the equvalent of cleaning a public bathroom with your bare hands...Hasn't every one been in Paris at least one night? (haha lame lame attempt at humor)

  3. Beautiful house.
    Live without TV.
    Lick a public restroom clean - Paris Hilton scares me!!!


  4. Have a beautiful house and ugly car

    Live without music

    Rather be Paris Hilton (but not act like her)

    I will post this tonight.

  5. Have an ugly car and beautiful house - live without tv - clean a public restroom with my bare hands AND feet! LOL!!!

  6. I would rather:

    *A beautiful house and an ugly car
    (I don't much care about lookin good while cruisin the strip)
    *Love without tv.
    (I cannot live without my music and told the hubby that if the "PAID OFF" car stereo/cd player dies, that I have to get another car)
    *Be Paris Hilton - if I can have my common sense
    (just cant stomach the thought of public restrooms and my bare hands-ewwwww!)

  7. I'm playing! Funny questions. Wish you didn't asked that Paris Hilton one. I had to admit how shallow I really must be!

  8. Beautiful house/ugly car

    no tv. I need my music! (um... could my kids still watch the occasional DVD though? And by occasional I mean one or 2 videos a day?? just askin...)

    Paris Hilton. I don't do toilets. I struggle with mine!

  9. I'd rather:

    have the beautiful house
    the TV
    and be Paris Hilton

  10. OK, I am going to play here, rather than on my blog, but I would most definitely want a beautiful house and an ugly car. In fact, that has been my life experience. :)

  11. I am going to play here too since I just posted a few hours ago.

    Beautiful house and ugly car
    Live without TV
    Clean the Public restroom--Paris Hilton has more diseases than the restroom--and I can wear gloves to clean!!

  12. I guess a beautiful house...but not a big one because I don't want to clean a big house.

    Live without TV, for could anyone live without music?

    Being Paris Hilton would have its up sides like the money, but I think I would rather clean the public restroom.

  13. hey thanks for following me... i followed you as well- i always LOVE a new reader!! i also stuck you under my blogs i adore!!

  14. Hmmm...

    Hope it's okay if I play too!

    Definately a beautiful house because there's no chance I could run THAT into a pole!

    This was a tuff one, I guess I would live without TV because what is life without music?

    Oh god, I'm somewhat of a germ-o-phobe so I'm going with Paris...her personality and all!

    Thanks for lettin me stop by! Well, I guess you didn't have a choice cuz I just barged in!

  15. hey!!! would you rather be right or be happy? that is what I always ask my husband! lol

    guess what!!! I GOT A CROWN! and of course I posted it! lol

  16. do you do this every wednesday? i have run out of good photos for wordful wed, so i am looking for a new game to get my butt in gear.

  17. I'd love to follow your blog - but the Follow Me thingy would let me click anywhere! Help!

  18. Ok - I'm a little slow....but I figured it out! Can't wait to read more posts!

  19. beautiful house.

    without music.

    be Paris Hilton. Then i would have the beautiful house AND car...but one nasty vajayjay. LOL!!

  20. Beutiful house, ugly car
    Live without TV
    Be Paris (i mean, look like Paris!)

    BTW, I accidentally did the link - even though I didn't do this game on my blog. I thought that's where I would leave a comment. Sorry!

  21. Lame am I for late comments, but I couldn't resist not participating.

    Have a beautiful house and ugly car. I don't have to live in my car, thankfully.

    Live without tv. Be without music, are you kidding?

    Clean a public restroom with your bare hands. Paris Hilton is the village bicycle, everyone's had a ride (Thanks Austin!)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.