Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Song of the Day - Jingle Bells, doggie style

No, you peverts.. not that kind of doggie style.. like this:


  1. That dog is really singing along! That is cool. :)

  2. This is too funny! Plus, I love your doggie style play on words! Priceless!

    Be Blessed,

    Amy (Honestly)

  3. I have that same toy! I need to test it out around the dogs:)

  4. That's hilarious! Is that your dog?! I have that same toy sitting on our piano but my dog won't sing... any tips?! She did however run down the stairs and bark at your dog singing on my computer screen. =) Funny stuff. Lovin' your blog!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.