Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Son of A................

First of all.. thank you all so much for your concern over Roslyn. She seems to be improving alot. I took her to the doc yesterday for a follow up visit and she has a double ear infection! The doc put her on Augmenten and already she is perking up! But guess who isn't? Yes, mothers across the world know what happens when you spend 5 nights in a row, worrying over your child, catching vomit in you hands, wiping snotty noses and pleading with your child to take yucky medicine. How are you rewarded for your hard work?? Say it with me, Mommies...."YOU GET SICK!" (as a damn dog to be precise)

Ah, good times. Anyhoo.. I'm sure I'll live. I'm just glad my little lady is feeling better for Santa. That's all I wanted to get for Christmas anyway.... well, that and an ipod.

Anyway, thank you to all my wonderful bloggy friends! I am so happy to have gotten to know you all in these past few months! Hope you all have a great holiday season!


  1. Oh no....I hope whatever you've got goes away FAST!

    Merry Christmas, Kel!!!!

  2. Perhaps you should try some of my home remedies:

    Hope Santa gives you health for Christmas.

    Merry Christmas

  3. So glad little Ros is feeling better for the big day. And yes, that's what happens to us moms. Battle scars of motherhood. Hope you're feeling better soon. Merry Christmas!

  4. I hope you feel better soon!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh man! Get well soon!

  6. no fun being sick around the holidays

  7. Merry Christmas to you, too, Kel! Hope you're feeling better. BTW, I'm giving you an award on the 30th :)

    P.S. And can I say NETIPOT!?!

  8. oh my ! Hope you are getting better as well! Poor you!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.