Friday, December 12, 2008

Aloha Friday

And the question of the day............
What type of goals are you setting for the upcoming year? Notice, I did not say resolutions, because those are crap.

I have a few:
1. read 50 books.. which I have a feeling I will achieve.
2. Cook dinner 5 nights a week. I know sounds easy right? But so is ordering out.
3. Walk 5 days a week. I used to walk 3 miles in the morning, and hike three in the evening.. pre-kid. I would like to get back to that.
4. Spend more quality with hubby. At least 2 date nights a month.

Now, it's your turn!


  1. READ....READ.... and READ!! I signed up for some great challenges for 2009.
    I would also love to get baby 'M' sleeping in his own bed, and through the night!
    Like you I would love to have more date nights with the hubbt

  2. i saw your library challenge! I think I am going to give it a go! I love the library but I am sucker for getting "my own" books. Dont know why. I generally just read them once!

  3. hmmm, two date nights a month sounds like HEAVEN! I think DH and I have dated once in the seven years since the kids arrived!!!

    I have to lose weight. I know, its on most peoples lists...but this I year I MEAN IT!!!! LOL

  4. i would love to cook more! I want this baby to continue to grow healthy in my tummy, then have a non complicated delivery! I want to continue to have fun with my son and give him his quality time as well!

  5. be a better person, loose access baggage, read more, cook more and lose weight!! lol

  6. Finish therapy is first on my list. Be less stressed about what I'm going to do with my life. Read more and watch less TV. Lose those 10 pounds that have been hanging out on my midsection since child #3....

    Just a few things, right?

    I like the cooking 5 nights a week thing. I depend much too heavily on Trader Joe's when I'm feeling a little lazy. I need to make a "super easy" recipe file that will be minimally more difficult than just opening a bag. :)

  7. I don't really have any goals or aspirations for 2009... probably be doing the same things I'm doing now... Which is sitting at home with the dogs and the wife working nights :(

  8. Reading would be a good one. I need to do a lot more than I do. However, I would be happy with one book per month.

    As to other goals, I'll still thinking. One goal is to have all of them written and posted by January 1.

  9. I like this one.
    My goals are to get through the adoption process and get approved and hopefully adopt!

  10. Start exercising more often which hard when it is so darn cold outside! Cooking dinner 5 nights a week is a good one too!

  11. I 'wish' I had the time to read!

    Oh, I would LOVE to challenge Hubby to 2 date nights a month...what am I saying...even 1 a month would be awesome! ;)

  12. We have started doing date nights once a month and I love it. I love Monkey but it is so nice to have time with Luke by my self.

  13. I agree about resolutions.. lol.. I believe I'd just be setting myself up for disapointment... As for future short term goals for next year? Not to break one of the kids... lol...


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.