Monday, December 22, 2008

Fever, Drug Stores, Hospitals.. Oh My!

Sweet Lord, we have had one hell of a weekend. It all started Friday at 3 when I picked Ros up at school. One look at her and I knew she was sick. Her cheeks were bright pink. When she grabbed my hand, hers was all hot and sweaty. I took her immediately to the doc, who informed me that they just took their last patient. (urgh) They offered to call in a prescription for antibiotics(yes, without even seeing her).

So an hour later, I go to pick up the meds. They called in an adult dosage of Ceftin in tablet form. What the hell? I threw a fit, they called in the child's dosage in a oral suspension. I gave it one little taste and almost hurled. It was the most vile stuff I had ever tasted. Ros would struggle it down, and then the aftertaste was so bad that she would puke it back up. Saturday afternoon they called in Amoxycillin. That went down easier.. but still did nothing.

Saturday night at 10pm, her fever was 104. After arguing with hubby we took her to emergency room, where she proceeded to barf all over herself. Hubby didn't think she needed to go. He said that we had antibiotics and that kids run high fevers. Which is true. But I wanted someone to LOOK at her!! No one had so much as looked in this kids throat! So, they checked her throat, did chest x rays and sent us home with instructions to keep up with the antibiotics and do the motrin/tylenol thing every four hours. I know that hubby was right, and maybe she didn't need to go.. but what if he had been wrong? The poor kid was a mess and she has never run a fever that high, ever. Of course, hubby and I fought and argued and that only made me feel worse. He thinks it was a waste of money, but I still feel that she needed to be checked.

So, she ran a fever of 102 to 103 all day yesterday, with the tylenol/motrin. She ate nothing, drank very little and laid in bed all day.

Finally, last night she got a little sleep. She only ate a half a Popsicle so far, but that's an improvement. Her fever now is around 101.. so I guess we are starting to get the upper hand on this thing... but I am still worried. I hate seeing her sick. Poor kid.. I hope she gets better before Santa comes!


  1. poor baby! I hope she starts feeling better soon! There is nothing worse that your little one being sick and not being able to do anything to help them!!

  2. I hope she continues to improve

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

  3. I would have done the same thing! Hope she is feeling better now~

  4. Honey I am same as you..I'd rather pay the money and know that my child is going to be ok than to sit and worry about it..I think it's just a man thing...

  5. Same thing happen to my daughter when she was small and then she ended up in the hospital for dehydration. make her drink. and if she doesn't I'd bring her back.

  6. Oh poor little girl! I hope she is better for Christmas! Seems like so many people are getting sick right now, and this morning my little one and his dad both woke up with sniffles and aches. I'm very afraid.

    I don't think you were wrong to want to get your kid checked out! Better safe than sorry! What if you didn't and it was something awful or life-threatening? You would have never forgiven yourself. And it sounds a bit irresponsible of your doctors to call in all that kind of stuff without seeing her. You think they could have referred you somewhere. Near us, some drug stores have "drop in" clinics that you can go to if you can't see a doctor and they might be cheaper than the ER. You might want to see if any are in your area.

  7. Poor baby... I think that you did the right thing - since no one even looked at her, there was too much potential that it would be a LOT worse than what they thought originally. Personally, I would've taken her too and my husband would've said the same thing yours did!

  8. Oh, poor girl! I agree with you. I think you should always err on the side of caution.

    I hope she starts to feel better very soon!

  9. poor thing and poor you... i hope she gets to feelin' better soon. and you were right to take her to the er... you never know- and its better to be safe than sorry!

  10. Oh - always trust those mommy instincts. If one of mine would have been running a fever that high I would have done the very same thing!
    I am sorry you and hubby fought though and that she is so sick. :( I hope it all gets better soon. Cyber hugs to you.

  11. I'm of the old school "better to be safe than sorry." You should never be sorry for playing it safe, and I would have taken her to the hospital, too. I'm glad she's feeling better!

  12. Poor little Ros. Hope she is feeling a little better today. You're doing all the right things. As a mom, a lot of times I've just had to go with my instincts. And I've learned over the years that they are right 99% of the time!

  13. I hope she turns the corner and feels better very soon. You know you are damned if you do and damned if you don't in regards to taking the kids to the doctors. Especially when they are so young, we don't know how they get sick, meaning not enough experience with them when they are ill. When my kids got older I knew when and when not to take them in. After a lot of years of getting it wrong first.
    merry christmas!

  14. Poor girl! Fevers suck, and it is so hard as a parent to know what to do. I think the best thing to do is follow your gut and if that meant going to the ER then that was the best things to do.

  15. Oh yuck! Poor girl! I hate it when babies are's so bad.

    It's always better to be safer than sorry. Make sure she finishes all that medicine. Even if she magically wakes up and starts bouncing around. If not, she'll get it again and that time you won't be able to take meds cuz they won't work.

    PS When your baby is better, I'll teach you how to sew. It's not scary!!

  16. i'm so sorry to hear your girl has been so sick. it's always so hard for a mother to watch and to want to make it just go away.

    and i think i know what your conversation with hubs was like. been there. i think it's more important to be more safe than sorry.

    hope she feels better soon. for everyone's sake.

  17. My mother used to crush up pills in sugar and give them to us that way. Not sure if that would help with the taste.

    It is better to be safe than sorry especially with your own. Hope she's well enough so Santa can visit without having to wear a mask.

    Thanks for following.

  18. Ah, STINK.
    I'm on your side about the ER. I've learned the hard way that something can actually be very wrong when you think it's nothing. SO, tell your husband a VERY important person said that it's ALWAYS good to err on the side of caution! :)

    Get well, Ros!

  19. I would have also taken my child to the ER. 104 is crazy high IMHO (I don't care what the experts say).

  20. I understand how much it costs to do to the ER. It is a big choice, and you had to think it out. It is unbelievable they even gave you a prescription without looking at her. I would've done the ame thing!

  21. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear. I think our kiddos may have the same bug. Our little one spiked to 104F this weekend as well and is drinking the pink stuff.
    Hope everyone feels better before the big man visits!

  22. Oh the poor baby!!!! I hope whatever it is goes away quickly!

    And FWIW...I would have taken he into the ER too. Just in case!

  23. 104 is a high fever and I wold have taken my child to the ER too - it's better safe than sorry. Poor baby - I hope she is all better really soon!!

    Take care and Merry Christmas - Kellan

  24. Poor girl! :( I think you did the right thing by taking her to the er! But hey that's me! Argue with him lol at least you won!

  25. Poor Ros! Better safe than sorry! So glad to hear the fever is going down.

  26. :( Hope she gets better soon.

    Little tip for nasty oral meds-mix w/ some hershey's syrup and it helps disguise the nastiness.

  27. Awww. Poor kid. Hope she's feeling better today...

  28. i am sorry being sick is never fun and having sick kids is even worse...glad she is feeling better.

  29. Poor thing! I hope your little one get's better soon.

    They do that with my guys too, they give them that awful tasting syrup?? They like the Bubblegum flavor the best!

    I hope she feel's better soon!

  30. You need to be married to my hubby. We take our kids to the dr. for everything & our co-pay's $40!

  31. how's your baby today? I really hope she's up and well enough to enjoy Christmas!! :) have a wonderful holiday Kel..I so enjoy reading your posts....


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